
Friday, 1 June 2012

"Diversity" is Defeat


 Jews can have a country where they are the majority and set the cultural standard. So can Indians, Arabs, Africans, Japanese and Chinese. But Europeans cannot.  Europeans have a sense of political and economic entitlement, and represent the last potential resistance to Illuminati control.

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
(revised from Oct 26, 2010)
You'd be forgiven if you thought  Gurvinder Singh Chal, 35, (above) belonged to the Punjabi Police Force. 

In fact, he's a recent recruit to the Winnipeg Police Service.

He wears the turban "for cultural and religious reasons" and, with the blessing of Chief Keith McCaskill,
it'll be part of his standard uniform. It's a "symbol of Diversity." 

The former Seven-Eleven clerk has been in the country for just three years but his traditions trump the 136-year-old Winnipeg Police Service.

Apparently the WPS has no identity, no culture worth preserving. Its uniform is up for grabs. It will prostrate itself to the next person to step off a plane, according to some screwball notion of political correctness.

The move isn't uncommon in Canada, with Sikh officers in cities such as Ottawa and Vancouver wearing turbans. 

I hope the Filipinos, Somalis and aboriginals who make up Winnipeg's rich cultural mosaic are working on their head dresses.


If I were younger, went to India and joined the Punjab police, I'm sure they'd let me wear a Jewish skullcap or Mountie hat.
tims.jpegTo help me remember my Canadian homeland, I'd expect a Tim Horton's logo on my uniform. 

And I expect that if 20 million people of European Christian extraction moved to the Punjab, they'd put us at the front of the line and ensure we got good jobs in the interests of "Diversity."

I'm sure Punjabis value "Diversity" as much as we do.

[This is where I insert my Disclaimer: I like racial minorities. I like their appearance and their cooking. They have strong family values -- now more important than ever. I was married to a Filipina for two years. I am not a racist in the negative sense of believing in racial superiority. I'm all for people being treated fairly. That means hiring on the basis of qualifications and ability, not quotas for color and gender.]


I marvel at the stupidity of the fast-shrinking European majority and the perfidy of the traitors who pass as their "leaders."

I am all for having racial minorities but it should be obvious that "Diversity" is a ruse. Europeans are being guilt-tripped out of their national birthright. They're fast becoming the next minority in Europe and North America and,  I'm not sure they'll be treated with the same "tolerance."

Apparently Jews can have a country where they are the majority and set the cultural standard. So can Indians, Arabs, Africans, Japanese and Chinese. But Europeans cannot.
Europeans have a sense of political and economic entitlement, and represent the last potential resistance to Illuminati control. They have vestiges of Christianity, the thing the Illuminati hate more than anything.

According to Christianity, man has a Divine soul; they obey God and thereby become more Godly. The Illuminati see people as animals trained to obey them.  
Many "minorities" and "women" are beholden to the Illuminati who put them in power. They are their shills.  

Were "Multiculturalism" or "Diversity" ever major election issues? No. They were never debated. They entered the world in the form of "political correctness.' To question them exposed you to charges of bad taste and racism. 

Multiculturalism and Diversity are social engineering programs introduced by the Illuminati (Masonic Jewish) central bankers.  They are designed to change the European and Christian character of Europe and North America. They prevent us from maintaining and celebrating our cultural identity and traditions. Take school prayer for example. The Canadian Jewish Congress was instrumental in having that removed.

Similarly, feminism was an excuse to undermine marriage, heterosexuality and males in general. The school prom, virginity and even courtship went the way of the dodo. Marriage and birthrates plummeted.

Dunce_Cap.jpg(Left, traditional European Christian head cover)
Europeans have been sweet talked out of their national birthright. Our politicians work for the corporations or unions which are all controlled by the central bankers. They're not our leaders. They're our managers at best. Police Chief McCaskill and all the other clarions of "Diversity" are of the same ilk.

So I'd like to suggest the Dunce's Cap for the future European minority.  It's for people who don't appreciate their blessings and don't protect them.  People who don't have the smarts to perpetuate themselves, their values and traditions, and as a consequence become extinct.

And if you're feeling resentful, don't blame the minorities.  Let's blame ourselves and our so-called leaders -- the politicians, pastors, academics and pundits who sold us out to the Illuminati bankers and their satanic  New World Order.

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