
Friday, 1 June 2012

Michaloliakos (Chrysi Avgi): “Germans are Sausage-Eaters Without Ideals”

Michaloliakos (Chrysi Avgi): “Germans are Sausage-Eaters Without Ideals”Nikos Michaloliakos, leader of extreme-right Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) expressed his views on several important issues like the Germans, the SYRIZA or the motives of the Greek voters.
Speaking to private Contra-Channel TV, Michaloliakos said that the Germans are an enslaved folk, that has totally bowed to the consuming way of life. a folk of sausage-eaters without ideals.”
Michaloliakos described SYRIZA as the “circus of Marxism.”
“The majority of Greeks does not know what they believe in. “In the past they maybe knew. They voted for a work place, for a favour.”
Michaloliakos rejected any future cooperation with other political parties but stressed that he would give an one-day ‘tolerance vote’ to the government that would denounce the Memorandum of Understanding.

PS Why I am writing this post? In order to avoid writing about the real chaos we live in nowadays: Chronic-ills are deprived of medicine as they cannot pay for it because the pharmacists do not give on insurance fund credit anymore. The crime is at its peak with culprits torturing seniors for a couple of euros. People who withdraw large amounts of money from the banks to save them in case of a euro exit, see them grabbed by thieves. Debts collecting companies terrorize people even for debts of 70 euros. Employees struggle to come along with salary payments. Citizens sit in the dark due to unpaid electricity bills.
Asn from early in the morning until late in the evening, we get bombared with mass attacks of  euro exit bombs…
The chaos is already here, it won’t come after the June elections.

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