
Sunday 12 February 2012

‘The Local’ Reports Anti-German Sentiment Rising in Greece

In the face of further belt-tightening, which the populace blames on German leader Angela Merkel’s policies, long-time German residents of Greece say there has been a worsening of Greek-German relations, as reports ‘The Local’.
They say some Greeks feel Germans are playing the role of the teacher who knows better.
“Diplomatic circles and the journalists association have warned against escalating the bad feelings and the tourism industry is trying to contain the damage”, the paper emphasizes.

Anti-German talk and Nazi comparisons are increasing. The populist newspaper ‘Dimokratia’ published a picture of Merkel in a Nazi uniform with the subtitle ‘Memorandum makes you free’. The saying referred to a memo for the savings program European Union negotiators have been working on with cash-strapped Greece. The makes you free was a direct reference to a sign above concentration camps that cynically said: work makes you free.
“Diplomats are concerned about the situation, though many believe most Greeks and Germans still do not speak negati

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