
Sunday 12 February 2012

Microchips for all dogs to hold owners to account

Staffordshire bull terriers are 'perfectly harmless', says minister

All dogs may have to be fitted with microchips under government plans to encourage “responsible” pet ownership.

Ministers signalled plans to make microchips compulsory in response to growing concern about dog attacks.
Last year, a survey suggested there are about 8.30million dogs in Britain.
More than half have microchips implanted in their bodies, allowing them to be electronically identified and their owners traced.
England’s laws on dogs are coming under growing pressure because of concern about unchipped and dangerous dogs being used as weapons and status symbols.
Groups including the RSPCA have called for compulsory microchipping to create a clear link between all dogs and their owners.
Chips hold an owner’s details as well as a unique identity number. Installing one can cost as little as £5.
Ministers have been accused of dithering on reforming dog laws, but Lord Taylor of Holbeach, an environment minister, yesterday promised an announcement soon.
“We are close to finalising a package of measures to tackle irresponsible dog owners,” he told the Lords. “We see microchipping as part of the measures we can do to address an increasing problem.”
At any given moment, there are about 125,000 strays, the Government estimates.
About 6,000 healthy animals are destroyed each year because they have no permanent home.
Lord Taylor told peers that dealing with strays was costing charities and local councils more than £57.5 million a year.
Lord Renton of Mount Harry, a former Conservative minister, urged the Government to think carefully before insisting on compulsory microchipping because many dogs “took badly” to having a chip inserted.
“Surely anyone who cannot control their dog should not have one,” he said.
Animal welfare groups say the number of pets being abandoned has risen in the recent economic downturn.
The RSPCA received more than 28,000 calls about abandoned animals last year, a rise of a third in five years.
A spokesman for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said: “We have been working on a package of measures to tackle irresponsible dog owners.
“We have considered the benefits of compulsory microchipping of dogs and extending the current law to cover private property.
“The final package will cover future government handling of these issues as well as other plans to improve the standards of dog ownership.”

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