
Sunday 12 February 2012

The Telegraph: Merkel Has Herself to Blame if Greece Defaults

What will Angela Merkel be doing this morning? Will she be clinging, white-knuckled to her kafe, chasing her Bockwurst round her plate, waiting to hear that the Greeks have passed their austerity budget?
If today’s vote in Athens is a vote on Greek bankruptcy and the future of eurozone, it’s because the German Chancellor has made it so.
To her the consequences are brutally clear: no austerity budget means no €130bn bail-out package, which means Greece defaults on March 20.
“All those who bear responsibility in Greece must know – we will not deviate from this position,” she said.
So then, is this finally the Day of Reckoning? The answer must be yes for Greece, more of that later. But, perhaps for the first time in three years of “make or break deadlines”, the answer is “no” for the eurozone.

The bankruptcy of Greece is no longer the threat to the eurozone that it once was. For all the frustration caused by the constant delays – Greece missed four deadlines last week alone – the time has not been wasted. Banks have busily untangling themselves from the thicket of Greek debt; repricing and restructuring debt and taking large write-downs. In total foreign banks have slashed their exposure to Greece by 60pc.
Contingency plans for a return to the Drachma have been drawn up in Athens, Berlin and Brussels. Maria Damanaki, Greece’s EU Commissioner, said last week: “The policy for Greece is internal devaluation within the eurozone but there is preparation for other solutions if Greece doesn’t make it on the eurozone path.”
In a note last week, Willem Buiter, Citigroup’s chief economist, said: “In early September 2011, we argued that the cost of Greek exit to the rest of the world would be very high. We now consider these costs to be much lower because the ‘exit-fear-contagion’ could be contained.”
Instead, rescuing Greece look far more risky. The IMF believes Athens could need a further €250bn of support over the next 10 years. And the prize, beyond eurozone integrity, is just 2.5pc of the area’s economy. Weighed up, surely Merkel wouldn’t mind the Grexit so much after all. The German taxpayers might even reach for the ouzo.
For Greece, there’s little to hope for from today, which ever way it goes. The austerity package looks tough: 20pc reduction in the minimum wage; 15,000 public sector jobs losses; pension and spending cuts.
But it’s probably irrelevant anyway. While Merkel and other leaders have focused obsessively on numbers, forcing Greece to reduce its debts and repay Brussels for its folly, they appear to have missed the country’s alarming economic, political and social collapse.
On Thursday, the Hellenic Statistical Authority said Greece’s manufacturing output contracted by 15.5pc in December from a year earlier and industrial output fell 11.3pc, having fallen 7.8pc in November. Unemployment jumped to 20.9pc in November, up from 18.2pc in October – a rise of 14pc in a month.
Away from the statistics, money and labour is evaporating as the middle classes flee the social and financial chaos.
The rest are spilling out onto the streets. On Friday even the main police union changed sides. “We refuse to stand against our parents, our brothers, our children or any citizen who protests and demands a change of policy,” they said. And in April they will go to the polls and almost certainly demand change. The dominant Pasok party, which has been strongly pro-European, has seen its electoral support plunge from a powerful 47pc to a shocking 8pc.
But by that stage, perhaps Athens won’t be Ms Merkel’s problem anymore – she’ll have Portugal, Spain and Italy to worry about instead

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