
Sunday 5 February 2012

Greece’s Neo-Homeless Seek Shelter at Airport

Greece’s Neo-Homeless Seek Shelter at Airport

This is another shocking evidence about Greece’ “Neo”- Homeless,  middle class people who fell victim of the economic crisis. In a thrilling report published in daily Eleftheros Typos, workers at Eleftherios Venizelos, Greece’s biggest airport. speak of dozens of people who seek shelter in the area, pretending to be airlines passengers.
“Usually they try to deceive the security personnel, therefore they often carry with them a suitcase or a bunch of magazines” as if they’re waiting either to travel or to pick up some passenger on arrival.
Speaking to newspaper, Yiannis, 43, explains why he seeks shelter at the airport. “I have lost everything. My oown people. I have no money, neither a home. The night is dangerous, I am afraid to sleep on park benches therefore I come to the airport.”

“I remember one night I saw a homeless man to shave himself  in the rest room. It froze my  heart. I think of the suffering of  all these people. How can we throw them out?  And then? Where will they go?” an airport worker confessed to Eleftheros Typos.Indeed, it is often very difficult to distinguish as among the  homeless are welldressed people who lost their homes recently due to debts and seek some place to spend the night.
 As the newspaper notes, the homeless arrive at the airport with the shuttle buses, they spend the night at the seats of the arrivals and departures and leave with the first light of the dawn.
Speaking to the newspaper, Ada Alamanou from  ”Klimaka”, an NGO that deals with homeless, said that homeless in Greece are estimated to be 20,000. She stressed the need to build capacities to offer shelter to those who found themselves on the streets from one day to the next.
 Posted by keeptalkinggreece

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