
Sunday 5 February 2012

Dora Bakoyiannis and Anna Diamantopoulou Booed By Protesters

Dora Bakoyiannis received the strong disapproval of the people of Thermaikos while entering the mayoral building in order to attend the meeting of the Municipal Chamber that had invited her.Members of the Independent Initiative of the People of Thermaikos gathered outside the building bearing a placard reading “They sell away our lives, awake our anger. We owe to no one, we will not pay”, while they chanted slogans letting the President of the Democratic Alliance party know that she was not welcome there.

Some of the protestors managed to get inside the building, which built up the tension. The protestors demanded to know from the head of the Municipal Chamber why Bakoyiannis was invited to attend the meeting.
Moreover, a group of employees from the Ministry of Education greeted Anna Diamantopoulou, when she entered the Ministry to attend a special event on presenting the Excellency Awards on Education and Research.

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