
Thursday 17 May 2012

Voters’ Support For Leftist Anti-Austerity Syriza Grows

Support for the Greek leftist Syriza party, which was the second-most popular party in elections earlier this month, has grown even more, a new poll showed Thursday, indicating that it would garner the most support in a fresh vote mid-June.
Anti-austerity Syriza would receive 22% of the vote if elections were held today, more than five percentage points higher than its May 6 result, according to a survey by the Pulse polling agency published in the To Pontiki weekly newspaper.
Support for the two formerly dominant parties–the conservative New Democracy and the socialist Pasok–which together comprised the previous coalition government, has also grown slightly, the poll showed, with New Democracy garnering 19.5% compared with 18.85% in the elections, while Pasok would receive 14%, up from 13.2%.

Backing for the far-right Golden Dawn party, which entered parliament for the first time after campaigning on an anti-illegal immigration ticket, fell to 5.5% from 7% in the last elections, but remains well above the 3% threshold needed to enter parliament.
Other parties that have lost support in the Pulse poll are the right-wing Independent Greeks, falling to 7.5% from 10.6%, the Communist KKE to 5.5% from 8.5% and Democratic Left to 5.5% from 6.1%.
The survey took place May 15-16, just after party leaders announced they had failed to form a coalition government and avert fresh elections. It doesn’t exclude undecided voters, who accounted for 8% of the 1,206 voters surveyed, while 3% said they don’t intend to vote. The margin of error is +/- 3%.
(source: To Pontiki, Dow Jones)

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