
Thursday 17 May 2012

Tsipras Gives Interview to CNN, Discusses Keeping Greece in the Eurozone

Alexis Tsipras, head of SYRIZA, said on Wednesday that the radical left coalition wanted to put an end to austerity, keep Greece in the Eurozone and strike new alliances to overcome the crisis, in an interview he gave to CNN giving a strong message to the American and international audience.
“We will do whatever we could do in this direction, to keep Greece inside the Eurozone and inside Europe,” said Tsipras, speaking to CNN’s chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour.
Tsipras stated that the left coalition wished to “cancel the memorandum, then renegotiate on a European level,” in search of a common solution to exit the crisis which he said was not solely a Greek problem, but a European issue.
To do so, Tsipras said that he would look for partners in southern as well as central Europe.
“We are going directly to hell,” said Tsipras with regards to the austerity measures, accusing German Chancellor Angela Merkel of putting the Eurozone at risk.

On the subject of what a drachma comeback would mean for Greece and Europe, Tsipras responded that although he disagreed with Merkel on many issues he did agree with a statement she made a month ago, saying that if Greece were to exit the Eurozone, markets would immediately go in search of the country that would follow suit, such as Italy or Spain.
Tsipras said that going back to the old currency would mean “poor people [will] have drachmas and the rich people [will] buy everything with euros.”
Watch the video:

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