
Monday 16 January 2012

Tom Cruise Supports Search For Boy Gone Missing On Greek Island of Kos

Hollywood actor Tom Cruise has supported, through his Twitter page, the awareness campaign about the disappearance of 21-month-old Ben Needham on the Greek island of Kos 20 years ago.

A 24-hour Twitter marathon “Tweet 4 Ben” took place on Tuesday through an appeal post backed by Needham’s mother Kerry Grist, who hopes to get her missing child’s case back in the public eye. Tom Cruise, as well as fellow actors Tom Arnold and Kym Marsh, have re-tweeted the post to millions of their fans, thus gathering attention to the family’s yearlong fight to find out what happened to their little boy back then.
Ben Needham from Sheffield went missing on the island of Kos on July 24, 1991, while his grandparents were renovating a house and his mother was at work.
The Greek police had reached a dead end with their investigations and ignored the family’s pleas for years before officially reopening the case some months ago. The South Yorkshire Police will be aiding them this time.
The boy’s family had conducted its own investigations in the past but none of them was rewarded with success. The new publicity the disappearance case is gaining, with the help of movie stars, is considered to be of help to the overall search, since it gives a new dynamic to the appeal of finding missing Ben.
Ben’s mother Kerry Grist believes her son is still alive and feels touched by the interest shown for her missing boy. She also told The Star that “The social networking site is an amazing tool. If we’d had this 20 years ago, who knows what would have happened?”

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