
Monday 16 January 2012

Substantial increase in airport tourist arrivals in 2011

The year 2011 was one of the best for Greek tourism in terms of arrivals at the country’s airports, according to provisional figures released on Monday by the Association of Greek Tourist Enterprises (SETE).
According to the figures, a total of 11,528,782 tourists arrived at the country’s 13 largest airports in 2011, up 8.65 percent in 2010.
SETE said that all airports recorded increases in incoming tourist traffic, with the exception of Athens international airport.
The islands of Rhodes and Kos clocked up the biggest rises, of 22.06 percent and 22.41 percent respectively.
Substantial increases were also posted in the Cretan airports of Irakleio (12.59 percent) and Hania (10.57 percent) and also in Thessaloniki (11.25 percent).
Conversely, Athens international airport posted a 3.64 percent decline in arrivals.
In December alone, foreign tourist arrivals at Greek airports amounted to 186,095 passengers, marking a 1.45 percent rise against the same month in 2010.
The overall number of tourist arrivals in 2011 is projected to reach 16.5 million, with revenues from tourism rising more than 10 percent against 2010, corresponding to a one percent increase in GDP. (AMNA)

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