
Sunday, 20 November 2011

Ukip, the party of England's reticent majority

 Ukip: the voice of Britain's diffident masses?

Ukip: the voice of Britain's diffident majority?The Telegraph’s big beast, Peter Oborne, has an interesting piece in today's paper about an almost unmentioned phenomenon in modern British politics – the rise of Ukip to become the country’s strongest-ever fourth party.
Almost unmentioned by the mainstream media, the anti-Brussels party now routinely picks up 6 or 7 per cent of the vote in opinion polls, barely below the Liberal Democrats. As he writes:

If a Left-wing party had reached Ukip’s size and consequence, the media would be fascinated. But, because of its old-fashioned and decidedly provincial approach, it has been practically ignored. In the 2004 European elections, the party gained a sensational 16 per cent of the vote. Had it been the Greens or the Communists that had pulled off this feat, the BBC would have gone crazy. Instead it chose not to mention this event, coolly classifying Ukip as “other”.
For the metropolitan elite, the party scarcely exists. This is why last Sunday’s YouGov poll showing that support for Farage’s party had crept up to 7 per cent – just one point fewer than the Liberal Democrats – gained no coverage. But the significance of this is very great. I believe that Ukip is about to take over from the Lib Dems as Britain’s third largest political party.
Indeed. The BBC are only interested in Right-wing parties when they’re unquestionably toxic – such as the BNP – or whether they can be presented as “angry white guys”, like the Tea Party. Because Ukip cannot be be put into either category, they are of little interest to the centre-Left media (and painting Ukip as "hard" Right is a bit difficult when they're half in favour of legalising marijuana).
Where I would differ with Oborne in my analysis is the extent to which Ukip is the Conservative Party in exile. It certainly wins most of its voters from the Tories, but it also gains considerable support from ex-Labour and Liberal Democrat people, many of whom do not share the party leaderships' obsession with Europe or with other high-status opinions.
Ukip’s appeal goes beyond the European issue, which is not an immediate issue to many people. Rather it appeals to the many people who do not share a set of assumptions held in Westminster; people who don’t believe it’s the state’s job to enforce equality or eradicate discrimination; who don’t approve of the educational reforms of the 1960s; who believe that the welfare state has damaged social capital and trust, and in particular the socialisation of children; who don't support most positive human rights; who don’t really feel happy about the growth of the state into so many areas of private life; who don’t believe that immigration has necessarily made Britain a better place; and who think that crime should be properly punished.
That’s a very big constituency, including very large minorities of Labour and Liberal Democrat voters and a majority of Tories – indeed one might call them England’s reticent majority.

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