
Tuesday 13 September 2011

Turkish warships ready to set sail for the Med

According to press reports from our neighbours

The Turkish press speaks of three warships preparing to sail away from Turkey with final destination the East of the Mediterranean Sea.
According to the reports, the vessels will be helping and protecting the boats sailing to Gaza. This move follows the statement made by Redzep Tayipp Erdogan last week who said that if there are ships transporting humanitarian aid to Gaza they will be accompanied by Turkish combat vessels, too, in order to be protected by possible Israeli attacks.

The press reports say that the warships will follow the same tactics as the Turkish was planes over the Aegean. Sabah newspaper mentions that “if Israeli ships block the way to any one sailing to Gaza we will see similar dog-fights such as the ones between their planes and the Greeks over the Aegean Sea.”

However, there are some differences worth to be mentioned. The Turkish fighter planes are violating the Greek airspace over the Aegean when, as they wish and from anywhere they want. As well, they fly exactly over the Greek islands and not outside or near the Hellenic airspace.

At the same time, the Turks admit they want to strike down the 50 mile safety zone from the shores, something that Israel has established for its own safety having the support of the UN. Moreover, they accuse Israel of playing with fire and are judgmental over the statements made by the Israeli FM, Avigdor Lieberman who said that Israel is examining the possibility of training PKK Kurdish fighters and providing them with guns.

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