
Monday 19 September 2011

First drilling on Monday

Cyprus plans on many more drilling sessions soon

Οn Monday September 19th, if all goes according to plan, the first test drilling will begin in the marine area of Aphrodite 12'', in the exclusive financial zone of Cyprus.

According to Cypriot newspapers, the government plans to give more permits for more drilling.

Over the oil reserves that are being investigated is the HOMER platform of the American Company Noble Energy (Noble Homer Ferrington).

This morning the first helicopter test flight from the port of Limassol to the platform took place with no problems.

Three pilots, two Americans and an Israeli, are part of the crew. The helicopter will be transporting 30 people daily to and from the platform. Turkish fighter ships were tracked yesterday in that area and the Cypriot government is closely monitoring them.

According to information, the first drilling will occur at a depth of 1700 metres.

The President of the Cypriot Democracy Mr.Christofias informed the parliament on the drilling and the Turkish manoeuvres.

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