
Friday 5 October 2012

Greeks from the USA and Canada have pledged to buy the sovereign debt of Greece and Cyprus

From  GRReporter

A group of Greeks from the USA and Canada, presenting themselves as the E.N.D. group (End National Debt) has said they have deposited $ 600 billion with a Canadian bank in order to buy the Greek sovereign debt. The "news" appeared in several provincial media in early September as well as on websites known for their global conspiracy activities and on which there were interviews with some of the specific Greek businessmen living abroad. Originally, they had said they would repay Greece’s obligations to its lenders by 9 September and that they had similar plans for Cyprus.
For unknown reasons, they failed to rescue Greece a month ago, but presented on Monday evidence that they are able to keep their promise.

The virtually unknown Artemis Soras who defines himself as a charity person and cardiologist Emmanuel Lambrakis held a press conference, at which they announced that they had already deposited $ 600 billion for Greece and $ 50 billion for Cyprus with banks in Toronto and Ontario. They said in their patriotic speeches that they would give the money to Greece if the supervisory Troika left the country and the government cancelled the Memorandum of financial aid.

According to the chairman of E.N.D., Lambrakis, a group of African and Caribbean countries had invited the group to the United Nations to present its programme. "We received 24 applications to lend the countries at an interest of 0.5% . It is symbolic and it serves only as a condition to grant the loan, because the money would be considered a donation otherwise. However, the interest rate for the Cypriots, who are living under occupation, will be zero."
Soras and Lambrakis said they were taking the actions at that time because the country was threatened with bankruptcy in the coming days and nobody had warned the people about it. "They are hiding this. € 31.2 billion (i.e. the next tranche of the loan - author's note) will not be poured into the market. This is money from a bond, which Greece owes to a private person since 1982. The Greek government wants to pay that amount at any cost, because if it does not avail the money on 14 October, Greece will go bankrupt."
The "good news" has spread so rapidly throughout the country that the Ministry of Finance has had to intervene. The institution has explained that they did not receive any such proposal, offer or information. "At a time when we are making great efforts to cut costs by 11.5 billion euro and to secure the next tranche of the loan, any information about "finding a treasure" that would be provided for the payment of the loans can be taken only as a joke," the text reads.
At the same time, the Consulate General of Greece in Toronto refutes the information that it has certified a letter of attorney of the E.N.D. group. According to Consul Dimitris Azemopoulos, the competent employee had certified the authenticity of the signature of the lawyer on only one document and this lawyer is fully responsible for the veracity of the contents of this document.
For its part, the official organization of the Greek Diaspora in Montreal and Toronto do not know the founders of E.N.D. In statements to the Greek news agency ANA-MPA, the American businessman of Greek origin John Katsimatidis - number 132 in the Forbes’ list of the richest Americans, said "This is a fraud."
Today, the blue deputy Adonis Georgiadis has filed a complaint on the case to the Supreme Court. He states in it that all the data presented by the fictitious saviours of Greece are false or fraudulent. According to the deputy, the people involved in the case are acting intentionally, while spreading false information at the same time. Adonis Georgiadis calls on the judicial authorities to investigate whether they are cheating by presenting false events as real, thus deceiving the public. Finally, he defines Soras and Lambrakis as frauds, who are drawing up conspiracy scenarios that are putting Greece into trouble with Canada and the USA.
According to sources, the bank in Montreal, into which they claim to have paid the huge amount of $ 600 billion intends to file a complaint against them. As announced by the Bank of Montreal, the total value of all deposits with it is $ 150 billion.

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