
Thursday 4 October 2012

Ex PASOK Minister Commits Suicide; His Name was Listed among 36 Politicians Under SDOE-Investigation

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Ex PASOK Minister Commits Suicide; His Name was Listed among 36 Politicians Under SDOE-InvestigationFormer PASOK Deputy Minister Leonidas Tzanis, 57, committed suicide on Thursday afternoon. Tzanis hang himself in his home in Volos, central Greece, Greek media report with  some claiming  ”his lifeless body was found by his wife.” Police has not released any information about whether he had left a notice.
His name was mentioned on the list of 36 politicians under investigation by Financial Crime Units (SDOE).
According to Proto Thema, SDOE has been investigating Tzanis since end of May 2012 and the investigation was about to open of his bank accounts and take under the magnifying glass his income declarations.
Leonidas Tzanis was elected PASOK MP in 1993, 1996, 2000 and 2004.
He served as chairman of the parliamentary committee assigned to investigate the case of Floisvos Casino.
February 1999-April 2000 and May 2000-October 2001 he was deputy Minister of Interior and Public Administration in Simitis government. 1990-1992 he was deputy major of Nea ionia in Volos and chairman of the Sports Institution.
He held also several posts within PASOK.
He was father of two children.

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