SBS Census Explorer is a tool open to all users and accessible via the Australian state radio station SBS. Searcher of this website have the opportunity to use facts and numbers, putting them onto Australia’s map in order to realize, by means of graphic schemes, what exactly is happening with Greeks in every region of Australia. By clicking on a suburb, for example, you see how many people speak Greek in this area, how many men and women there are and other facts.
But this website provides us also with information on the brief history of Greek migration. The user is able to find details about when the first immigrants moved to Australia or when the first massive wave to the country occured, where exactly these immigrants come from, if they have earned Australian citizenship, how much they earn per year or even if they have earned any academic degrees.
Visitors to this “Greek tool” can also log on with the other languages SBS radio broadcasts and get similar information on Australia’s population.
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