
Thursday 10 May 2012

Tsipras Letter to Barroso & ECB: “May-6 Elections Results “De-Legitimize Loan Agreement”

Tsipras Letter to Barroso & ECB: “May-6 Elections Results “De-Legitimize Loan Agreement”

Posted by keeptalkinggreece
Leader of left-wing SYRIZA, Alaexis Tsipras sent a letter to the highest officials of European Union and European Central Bank. In his letter Tsipras stressed in his letter that the results of May-6 elections “politically de-legitimize the Memorandum of Understanding, a loan agreement that failed to meet its own targets.” While he asks for a re-examination of the framework of the whole strategy, he does not openly insist for a complete re-negotiation of the MoU. The politician underlined that the “internal devaluation” [cuts backs in wage sand pensions] leads to a humanitarian crisis.

In a letter to European leaders Thursday, Tsipras said the election result left Greece’s bailout commitments devoid of “political legitimacy,” but stopped short of demanding that the program should be scrapped and debt repayments halted.
Tsipras said the cutbacks have failed to address the country’s problems, are “destroying” the recession-bound economy and threatening to create a Greek “humanitarian crisis.”
“We must re-examine the entire framework of the current strategy, as it not only threatens social cohesion and stability in Greece, but also creates instability for the European Union itself and the eurozone,” he said, in the letter to EU President Herman Van Rompuy, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi.(AP)
“The common future of European people is under threat of these disastrous choises,” Tsipras concluded. (Tsipras’ letter in Greek )
But German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said Thursday that there was no way around Greece sticking to agreed austerity measures if it wants to stay inside the eurozone — although he acknowledged that it was a tough sell for any new government. “It’s an extraordinarily strenuous demand, to make the adjustments in Greece while staying in the common currency,” he told reporters in Berlin.

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