
Wednesday 16 May 2012

President of Pakistani Community in Greece Arrested for Human Trafficking

The President of the Pakistani Community in Greece, Javet Aslam, was arrested Monday morning following an Interpol warrant that was pending against him for human trafficking involving Asian illegal immigrants.
Greek policemen arrested Javet in his residence in Kolonos, Athens, Monday and he’s been held in prison since. The Interpol warrant had been issued after request of the Pakistani authorities that accuse Javet of having received money to contribute in the transfer of illegal immigrants from Pakistan to Greece. Aslam was taken to the Appeals prosecutor where he filed a request to be granted political asylum, which will be examined in the next few days by the Appeals Council.
He has been in Greece for many years, enjoying the privileges of being the President of an immigrants’ community (regular payment, luxurious office, benefits). No one discovered his criminal work? No one knew about the Interpol warrant that was pending against him? These are questions that need to be answered by the authorities. Greek society needs to be protected by such people.

It is actually strange that the rise of the Golden Dawn party has raised so vast a dispute in Greek media and society at the time that such crimes linked to the uncontrolled illegal immigration are being committed. EU authorities are extremely disappointed with the country’s lack of immigration policy; facts that undoubtedly need to be taken into serious consideration by the state.

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