
Tuesday 15 May 2012

New Greek Election Date to be Announced by Friday or Saturday

After nine days of continuous failed attempts to form a new government in Greece, the President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias, has called for a new meeting among all political leaders to examine the possibility of forming a caretaker government until the country goes to the polls most probably sometime in mid-June.
Tomorrow’s meeting will be held at 1pm at the Presidential Megaron, and the political leaders will have to agree on who the new “caretaking” prime minister will be. In case no agreement is reached, then the Greek institution provides that the Greek President will give the mandate for forming the new government to one of three people in charge of the Supreme Courts of the country (Areios Pagos, Council of State, Court of Auditors). The last Greek caretaker PM was then-President of Areios Pagos Ioannis Grivas, who served at the position from October 12 to November 23, 1989. Grivas had been appointed to PM after the Tzannetakis government resigned.

The Presidential Decree, including the dissolution of the Greek Parliament and the new date of the general elections, is expected to be issued late Friday evening or Sunday morning since there is a series of parliamentary issues impeding the immediate announcement of new elections.
According to parliamentary programming, as this was set by the previous Presidential Decree, next Thursday, May 17 at 11am, the Greek Parliament will be called to convene in order for the May 6 elected MPs to officially swear-in. The convening will be chaired by Byron Polydoras, one of the two members of the previous bureau of Parliament that was re-elected, next to Tasos Kourakis.
At 11am on Friday, the full parliament will convene again to elect the new President of the Parliament. Later in the afternoon, the vice-presidents will also be elected.
The new Parliament will only survive a few hours before the President of the Republic dissolves it and calls for new elections, most likely to be held either June 10 or June 17.

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