
Monday, 21 May 2012

The Hidden Symbolic Meaning of the Movie “2012″

The disaster movie “2012″ is about the near-total destruction of planet Earth in accordance with predictions made by Ancient Mayans, thousands of years ago. While most of the movie is centered around spectacular explosions and impressive special effects, “2012″ also communicates messages and symbolism about the elite’s plans for a New World and the coming of the Age of Aquarius.

Warning: Major spoilers ahead
Released in 2009, Roland Emmerich’s film 2012 plays on the fears and panic engendered by the “OMG-the-Mayans-said-we’re-gonna-die-in-2012″ scare. The movie’s apocalyptic scenario depicts in vivid detail people’s worst fears regarding 2012: The destruction of everything and the killing of everyone … well, almost everyone. While a good portion of the two-and-a-half hour movie is dedicated to CGI destruction, 2012 contains many Biblical, mythological and historical references that gives the story a deeper underlying meaning. Furthermore, a specific message can be understood by the way the crisis has been handled in the movie. It basically says: “If something happens, the rich and powerful will live and the rest of you suckers will die”.

In the article entitled ‘Contagion’ or How Disaster Movies “Educate” the Masses, we discussed how disaster movies are an important indoctrination tool that present and sell specific “political responses” to major crises. In 2012, the political response to the mega-cataclysm that is threatening Earth is rather unsettling: The world elite learns about 2012 a few years in advance, secretly plans its own rescue mission (while keeping the masses in the dark) and leaves the world to die while creating a new world that is only populated by the elite. A few “regular” people do manage to infiltrate the elite’s ships. Apparently their survival, along with the world’s rich and powerful, constitutes a happy ending.
When I first finished watching the movie, I wasn’t exactly feeling happy having just paid a few bucks to basically watch a flick that predicts my death and the death of everyone I know while the elite embark on giant ships to start a new world by themselves. It’s a little insulting.
Does the movie accurately predict what will happen on December 23rd, 2012? Probably (hopefully) not, but I do believe that the movie uses the 2012 scare tactic to communicate specific messages to the masses about the elite’s plans for a New World Order and the coming of the Age of Aquarius. Let’s look at the movie’s most symbolic scenes.

The Preparations

The movie takes place in 2009 and begins with a cosmic event that triggers the cataclysm: A planetary alignment.
The alignment of astronomical bodies causes a series of events that lead to the destruction of Earth. On an esoteric level, the alignment of astral bodies is representative of the dawning of a new era - what some may call the Age of Aquarius.
On Earth, a few scientists discover that massive solar flares are causing the planet’s core temperature to rise. Adrian Helmsley, an American geologist, realizes that the end of the world is rapidly approaching. He rushes to Washington D.C. to inform the highest level of power that action must be taken, but it turns out that the world’s ruling elite is not only well-aware of the coming disaster, but have been secretly working on a rescue plan for years. The elite are taking steps to preserve the lives of those that are deemed “worthy” and collecting the Earth’s most important artifacts to bring to the new world.
In this scene, the Mona Lisa at the Louvre is fake. The real painting will be brought into "post-apocalypse" world.
The only people that know about the 2012 rescue plan are the world’s most powerful people. Tickets were also sold to private individuals. The price? 1 billion Euros … per person. In other words, there is no way that a regular person would survive. And that’s all part of the plan.
Meanwhile, as usual, the masses are portrayed as a herd of idiots, prone to panic and violence.
As it is the case in most disaster movies, the masses are portrayed as a "bewildered herd" that cannot act civilized. While the elite is planning its secret escape from the 2012 cataclysm, the masses are shown rioting during a G8 Meeting. Seeing how people are portrayed to act in times of crisis, one might be inclined to think: Maybe the elite is doing the right thing by hiding the truth from the masses ...
This massive conspiracy against the public is not an airtight secret. Some prominent figures discover the ugly truth and attempt to warn the public, but they are rapidly silenced.
When the director of the Louvre discovered the elite's plans, he called a press conference to disclose the truth to the entire world. He then dies in a "mysterious" car accident, right before he makes his announcement.
There are interesting facts about the above car “accident” that killed the French museum director. First, it is clearly stated in the movie that the accident occurs in the Pont d’Alma tunnel … the same tunnel where Princess Diana lost her life in a odd car accident. In my article Princess Diana’s Death and Memorial: The Occult Meaning, I’ve explained the symbolic meaning of the Pont d’Alma tunnel and how the death of Lady Di had all of the markings of a ritual sacrifice. The death of the Museum director at the exact same spot might be the movie’s way of saying that his death was a ritual sacrifice by the elite. The movie might also be indirectly saying: “If the death of the Museum Director inside the Pont D’Alma tunnel was a murder disguised as an accident, what do you think happened to Lady Di?”.
It is later discovered that the museum director is not the only whistle-blower that has “mysteriously” lost his life. Many other people who had the public’s well-being in mind also died in strange circumstances during the elite’s secret preparations.
A conspiracy theorist dedicated an entire wall to news clippings of people who got killed by the elite.
All of the elite’s decision-making is done in secret and secluded meetings and involving only the world’s most powerful people.
Meanwhile, the public is restless, to the point that the London Olympics are suspended. Is the movie predicting events to come?
While all of this is happening, the Chinese government has been put in charge of building the gigantic boats named  “Arks” that would allow the elite to survive 2012.

Farewell Atlantis

The hero of the movie is Jackson Curtis, a regular divorced father, that discovers the truth and attempts to embark on one of the Arks in order to survive 2012.
Jackson Curtis and his kids are told by the US Army that they must leave the national park. They are not told why because the public is not allowed to know about the upcoming 2012 disaster.
Jackson Curtis is a not-too-successful writer of a book entitled Farewell Atlantis, which is very symbolic in the movie’s context. Atlantis is the name of a fabled continent that got submerged by a massive flood several millenia ago. Legend holds that the highly advanced civilization that flourished on that continent disappeared, but some survivors of Atlantis managed to sail to places like Egypt, America and Asia, where they became great teachers to the natives. Atlantis is of a great importance in the occult elite’s Mysteries as it is believed that the continent actually existed and was the origin of the world’s occult knowledge. Atlanteans who sailed to far-away lands in order escape the Great Flood are considered the teachers of esoteric knowledge to the Ancient Egyptians, Mayans and possibly even the Celts. Mystery schools often state that the Biblical story of the Great Flood is, in fact, the story of the disappearance of Atlantis. They also claim that many other ancient cultures have similar stories within their folklore.
Today’s secret societies perceive and refer to America as the “New Atlantis”, a country that was founded on the principles of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism, the supposed descendants of Atlantean Mysteries.
Francis Bacon's 1605 book "New Atlantis" describes an ideal society where science and reason would rule, according the principles of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. The book is said to be the blueprint of the founding of America. Bacon is known for writing "Knowledge is Power", a famous phrases that has deep resonance in Rosicrucianism and that is prominently featured in the US Library of Congress.
While Sir Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis appeared to be foreshadowing the founding of America, Jackson Curtis’ novel Farewell Atlantis appears to be foreshadowing its destruction. The same way Atlantis was completely submerged by water, America, the home base today’s occult elite, will suffer a similar fate. The lucky few that will embark in a modern version of Noah’s Ark will be given the task to found a New World – and the movie subtly states which institutions will carry on and which will disappear.

The Disaster

As the film progresses, the Earth begins to heat up and fissures start to appear in Los Angeles. Although it is obvious that a major disaster is about to happen, mass media (which is in collusion with the elite, in the movie and in real life) downplays everything in order to keep the population calm and oblivious to the fact that the world is ending. The only non-elite guy that appears to know what’s going on is a nut-job conspiracy theorist living in the woods (apparently, according to Hollywood movies, truth seekers cannot be level-headed, rational people).
Charlie Frost is a near batcrap crazy conspiracy theorist that hosts a radio show and that runs a not-so-great-looking website. He actually knows the truth and he is right about everything, yet, in the end, he is still depicted as a complete nutjob. Knowing the truth is not "cool" in Hollywood movies.
Charlie Frost describes everything that is about to happen to Jackson Curtis and even provides him a map to the Arks.
The map to the Arks are conveniently placed in Charlie Frost's "conspiracy files", right next to his documents on Marilyn Monroe. A little wink to the ultimate mind-controlled Presidential slave?
As the world is crumbling apart, members of the elite receive an important and top-secret message on their mobile phones.
When things get serious, members of the elite are notified that it is time to embark on the Arks and to leave the rest of the world to die.
When hell breaks loose on  Earth, several important monuments are shown being destroyed. These scenes are not only spectacular to watch but they also represent the fall of important institutions as the world enters the Age of Aquarius. In one scene, the famous Brazilian monument “Christ the Redeemer” is shown falling down in a matter similar to the way statues of Saddam Hussein fell after the Gulf War.
Does this symbolize the fall of Christianity in the wake of a new era?
In another scene, St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, the “epicenter” of Catholic faith, is shown crashing down on faithfuls and killing thousands of people who assembled to pray.
In this symbolic scene, a crack appears on Michelangelo's iconic painting in the Sistine Chapel, right between the fingers of God and Adam - which can represent the break of the connection between humanity and the divine. Is the elite's New World devoid of the touch of God?
Other religions are also shown being destroyed during the movie. According to an article in The Guardian, 2012 was supposed to contain a scene depicting the destruction of the Kabaa, the holiest site of the Muslim faith. However, the scene was axed for fear of backlash from Islamic groups. The elite’s new world, is therefore not only devoid of Christianity, but of all major religions – one of the goals of the New World Order.
2012 does not only show the destruction of religious monuments, but also of political landmarks. These scenes symbolize the fall of regular nation states before the formation of a single world government.
The White House, symbol of US power, is shown being hit by one of its own war ships and taken away by a gigantic wave. In the elite's new world, it is not about National powers and military might: It is about a single world government and a single military.
The American President addressing the Nation for the last time. The "leader of the free world" symbolically stays in Washington D.C. to die with regular people. In other words, the (supposedly) democratically elected representative of the people has no place in the elite's new world government.

The Noah’s Ark of the Elite

Several of these gigantic Arks were secretly built in China.
While most of the world’s population is getting killed by floods and earthquakes, the “chosen ones” are taken to China to embark in gigantic Arks.
In this clear allusion to the Biblical story of Noah's Ark, animals are shown carried to the ships by helicopter.
Entry to those Arks is far from fair and is reserved for those that are “one of them”. For example, the Indian scientist that discovered the coming of the 2012 cataclysm is left to die, while greedy Russian billionaires are granted access.
Of course, as a member of the world's occult elite, the Queen of England and her dogs are granted access to the ships. Because her hat-wearing skills will be very useful to humanity in the future.
A bunch of pointless “suspenseful” scenes happen as Jackson Curtis and his family attempt to illegally enter one of them. Seeing how many people were left to die, the scientist Adrian Helmsley makes a unavoidable speech about how us humans must stick together and whatnot. However, we don’t see him giving up his place for anyone and everyone still dies … except for the elite. So, despite the moralizing monologues about caring for each other, the elite’s plan carries on right on schedule and only those that were chosen to survive do.
After the disaster, humanity enters a new era and resets its calendar to year 0001. The previous calendar was based on the birth of Jesus Christ - which is esoterically associated with the Age of Pisces. The resetting of the calendar signifies that Christ's era is over. It is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
At the end of the movie, the entire world is completely submerged by water, except for the African Continent. The Arks set sail to the cradle of Civilization to start anew in a place symbolically called “Cape Hope”. Is this a happy ending? Depends if you’re in the elite or part of the 99% of the rest of the world that died.

The Age of Aquarius

Esoteric schools teach that a “Great Solar Year” is the period of time during which the sun cycles through all of the zodiacal constellations, lasting about 25,000 years. Every 2,000 years (more or less) the sun enters a new zodiacal constellation and humanity, somewhat unconsciously, adopts symbolism that relates to that zodiacal sign. For nearly the past 2,000 years the sun was in the constellation of Pisces (represented by Two Fishes), meaning that we are in the Piscean Age. Oddly enough, Christianity has always been represented by the symbol of a fish (i.e. the Jesus Fish). Every 2,000 years, the sun migrates to the previous sign of the zodiac, which means that the world is set to enter to Age of Aquarius.
By showing the fall of Christian symbols and the emerging of a new world after a massive flood, the movie 2012 appears to be announcing the coming of the Aquarian Age.
The astrological sign of Aquarius consists of a cup-bearer pouring water. In Greek mythology, the cup-bearer is said to be the cause of the Great Flood that probably caused the disappearance of Atlantis.
Since the symbol of the sign of Aquarius is a man pouring water and is methodologically associated with the legendary Great Flood, it is rather appropriate to depict the coming of the Aquarian Age with a flood that submerges New Atlantis, aka America.

In Conclusion

While 2012 is often described as a big orgy of explosions and special effects, the movie nevertheless contains a great deal of messages and symbolic moments. Its references to historical, Biblical, mythological and esoteric concepts give the movie a deeper meaning, one that fits with the world view of today’s occult elite. While the world will probably not crash and burn on December 23rd 2012, the movie uses the scare relating to the Mayan Calendar to communicate its plans for the future: The fall of religions, dissolution of Nations and the glorification of a select elite on the backs of the clueless masses. Everything that happens in the movie is remarkably on-par with “ten commandments” found on the Georgia Guidestones (see the article Sinister Sites – The Georgia Guidestones). Here are some of them: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature”, “Unite humanity with a living new language” and so forth. The way things go down is also reminiscent of the symbolic stories told on the prophetic murals found at the Denver International Airport (read the article here) and the murals at the Bank of America (read the article here). Both of these pieces depict a period of great tribulation, destruction and oppression that is followed by the founding of a new world based on the elite’s principles.
On a more esoteric level, the movie equates America with Atlantis, an advanced civilization that was destroyed by a great flood. The survivors of ancient Atlantis, who are said to be the originators of the occult lore of secret societies, went on to perpetuate their knowledge across the world.
And while solar flares are said to be cause of the 2012 disaster, major floods are the cause of the Earth’s destruction. Through this symbolism, the movie appears to announce the end of the Age of Pisces and the coming of the Age of Aquarius.
There is therefore much more to 2012 than originally meets the eye. Unfortunately, as it is often the case in mass media, the messages being communicated are neither enlightening nor inspiring. Quite the contrary, the movie basically tells the story of gigantic conspiracy against the public, complete with cover-ups and murders. In the end, the elite saves its own ass and leaves billions of people to die. To top it off, this conspiracy is presented as the only viable solution to such a crisis. Is the public being prepared for a major crisis that will be resolved with the heralding of a New World Order? As the movie’s promotional poster clearly states: “We Were Warned”.

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