
Saturday 5 May 2012

Greek Elections 2012: Secret Opinion Polls Show There’s More Drama Ahead

Greece’s election on Sunday is expected to usher in such political instability that officials from the country’s major parties are planning another possible election within months. Latest secret opinion polls show no clear winner emerging from the vote, with the two main parties – center-right New Democracy and PASOK’s socialists – together gathering a rather low percentage of the ballot, not enough for a parliamentary majority under Greece’s electoral system. A nation eager to punish its political establishment for Greece’s financial and economic meltdown is set to give the country’s two major established parties a beating this weekend.

In some cases, like the 2nd district of Athens, the biggest and most important electoral department in Greece, Samara’s ND comes third while PASOK comes fifth. The majority of voters in this area are middle to lower class voters that have been badly hit by the latest crisis and seem to prefer left parties like Siriza and KKE and the nationalist Independent Greeks party. These parties promise to get Greece out of the memorandum and say they will not apply further austerity measures.
Secret Opinion Poll Results Change By The Day
It seems as if Greek citizens constantly sabotage the polls giving different result every time although Samaras seems to have secured first place.
The secret opinion polls show that both PASOK and Nea Dimokratia keep going downhill, with the gap between these two parties to close. The situation appears to be rather serious for PASOK socialists who seem unable to keep their disappointed voters from those who seem to prefer SYRIZA and also the Democratic Left.
According to these polls New Democracy gets 12%, SYRIZA and PASOK 11%, followed by the Independent Greeks with 10%, communist  KKE  gets 9%, the Democratic Left and the Golden Dawn get 6% , while the Green Ecologists, LAOS and Dora Bakogianni’s Democratic Cooperation are below 3%.
Yet the whole situation seems rather unstable. A couple of days ago, the polls gave 19% for New Democracy, 14% for PASOK, 13% for SYRIZA, 12% for the Democratic Left, 11% for the Independent GREEKS, 9% for KKE, 5% for Golden Dawn and 3% for LAOS.
The polls from abroad reveal totally different results. According to a poll conducted by a foreign company, Alexis Tsipras will win the elections with 15.18%. Independent Greeks will come in second place with 12.58%. Samaras’ New Democracy barely makes it in third place, while PASOK and KKE are very close with 8.88% and 8.68% respectively. Golden Dawn comes in sixth place with 7.38%, followed by the Democratic Left with 5.62%, and 3.40% for the Ecologists.
It is worth noting that all European booking companies regard Samaras as the favorite to win and give him 1.06 up to 1.09, especially since PASOK reaches up to 32.00. The Europeans bookmakers also see SYRIZA coming in front of the Communist Party.
The battle will be decided in the last few days – or even the last day. The winner faces commitments to the European Union to reduce debt and deficits and apply further austerity measures. If Greece doesn’t have a sufficiently stable government on May 7 to push through controversial cuts, Europe and the IMF are likely to suspend payments needed to cover the Greek government’s operating costs, potentially mounting the political and social crisis in the country.

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