
Monday 7 May 2012

Foreign News Media React to Greek Election Results

The Greek election results have become the main focus of international news agencies around the world with special reports commenting on the new political situation forming in Greece and underlining the rising uncertainty concerning both the future of the country and Europe as well.
Most media advocates interpreted both the Greek and French elections as a protest against the austerity policies advocated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
British weekly newspaper The Economist points out that the political fragmentation in Greece is fueling uncertainty on whether Greece will exit the Euro Zone, since most European officials seem adamant so far about Greece meeting the set targets and conditions laid down by the Memorandum.

BBC reported on political uncertainty as well, adding that the election outcome was a loud “no” voiced by the Greek people against the harsh fiscal requirements imposed by the EU, IMF and ECB.
The Guardian reported on a Greek “vote of rage” that has caused a severe blow to both Greek and European leaders. The massive denunciation of the austerity measures by the Greek voters have shaken the old political establishment and brought new contradictory forces to the political forefront.
The Independent commented on the Greek election results and predicted new weeks of political turmoil and instability to come for the debt-ridden country.
The German news media have been closely watching the Greek elections and described the final ballot outcome as “the punishment of bipartisan-ism” and an emerging danger of political chaos.
German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung characterized the Greek election outcome as an ill omen both for Greece and Europe. According to FAZ, things turned out far worse than expected.
According to the German Handelsblatt, Athens was experiencing a political earthquake with extremists entering the Greek parliament, while the Greek voters showed their rage against the austerity measures and the economic collapse of their country.
The German edition of Financial Times reported on neo-Nazis (Golden Dawn) entering the Greek parliament, while the conservatives and social democrats crashed.
German populist newspaper Bild commented that the Greeks were punishing their Euro-reformers and expressed its doubts on whether the new Greek government will abide by the previous coalition government commitments.
The online edition of Spiegel noted that the scenario of new elections is highly possible should the new Greek government not fulfill its commitments to its European partners.
Focus magazine underlined in its report that the future of Greece is less certain than ever and cited US economist Roubini, who commented that the Greek election outcome brought Greece one step closer to exiting the Euro Zone.
Australian newspaper Herald Sun commented on the turbulent political situation in Greece and the blow experienced by the two major political parties of Nea Dimokratia and PASOK.
The US news daily The Washington Post also highlighted the frustration and anger expressed by the Greek voters, while the AP referred to “Sunday’s protest vote” against the main Greek parties.
CTV News reported on the world stock market reactions after the French and Greek elections, which “sparked more worries about Europe’s ability to handle the burgeoning debt crisis.”

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