
Friday 18 May 2012

Certain Greek companies couldn’t care less about the financial crisis consequences hurting the average Greek family and are pushing for increases in product prices while the country’s economy sinks in bottomless waters.
Trustworthy information from reports that companies, such as the Fillipou family-owned Elbisco (Yiannis and Kiriakos Phillipou), demand a retail increase of 15% despite the significant reduction of Greek household income.
These are increases which appear absolutely unjustified due to the labor cost cuts both companies have made and cannot be accepted given the devastated market.
At the same time, it is not only the two famous food industries that want increases but also others, such as Coca Cola 3E, which demands increases of about 5%.

The price increases will not stop there, since other Greek companies want to follow in the same steps as Elbisco, arguing that the continued increase in production costs due to taxes imposed on the entire chain make the increase in retail prices unavoidable.

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