
Sunday 19 February 2012

Solidarity Action Goes Global: We Are All Greeks Now

From New York to Paris and from Dusseldorf ro Madrid people are gathering at main squares and outside Greek diplomatic representations to express their solidarity with the Greek people. With the common slogan “We Are All Greeks”. Greeks suffering from the dramatic economic situations, from the harsh austerity measures. With every measure that passes through the Greek parliament, more and more people outside Greece realize the brutality of austerity and the exaggeration in Greece’s lenders’ demands. An unprecedented experiment carried out on the shoulders of the Greeks.

 The friends of the Greeks say that Greece is used as a laboratory for austerity measures that are social unjust and undemocratic. 
“The Greek people need international solidarity, international support. Therefore we respond to their call. We are all Greeks now”  organizers of the global solidarity action said in several statements posted across the internet and social media.

In Facebook a page dedicated to “We are all Greeks” has been set up and spread like a wildfire.
Solidarity actions start today Saturday, after  2 pm (Greek time). In Paris at 3pm local time and more than 17 trade unions have announced their participation.
Other protests will take place  in Grenoble, Lyon, Marseilles, Nantes, Nice, Toulouse. At 6 pm in Barcelona Solidarity actions  take place also in Germany, Ireland, Portugal, The Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Italy, Sweden.
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YouTube Direkt
In New York, people will gather in Manhattan.

German Solidarity
John Holloway in The Guardian said today:
“We are all Greeks. We are all subjects whose subjectivity is simply being flattened by the steamroller of a history determined by the movement of the money markets. Or so it seems and so they would have it. Millions of Italians protested over and over again against Silvio Berlusconi but it was the money markets that brought him down. The same in Greece: demonstration after demonstration against George Papandreou, but in the end it was the money markets that dismissed him. In both cases, loyal and proven servants of money were appointed to take the place of the fallen politicians, without even a pretence of popular consultation. This is not even history made by the rich and powerful, though certainly they profit from it: it is history made by a dynamic that nobody controls, a dynamic that is destroying the world, if we let it.” (London Daily News)
We are all Greeks  : Merci-Thank you-Ευχαριστούμε
Some Facebook page: We are all Greeks – merci – thank you -ευχαριστώ

In Dusseldorf, Germany, members from Occupy Dusseldorf movement danced a Solidarity syrtaki outside the Greek consulate.
Two Italian mayors offered their salaries to the Greek people. Marco Galdi the mayor ofCava de’ Tirreni  and Giovanni Mosciatello from Baronissi,two towns near Salerno,  have pledged to pay their salaries (net €1,100 and €780 repsectively) to support the Greek people. Galdisent a letter to  the President of the European Commission Jose Barrosso, the Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti and the Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos announcing his decision. Mosciatello said it is an symbolic act to show solidarity with the Greeks.
In Athens, high-school students and youth groups have announced to start a protest at 5 pm outside the Greek parliament at Syntagma Square.

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