
Monday 27 February 2012

Karatzaferis vows to send 'migrants to Merkel'

Yiorgos Karatzaferis (Reuters)

Yiorgos Karatzaferis (Reuters)
Popular Orthodox Rally (Laos) leader Yiorgos Karatzaferis has launched a populist attack on the government and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in the wake of the rightwing party's withdrawal from a power-sharing agreement with Pasok and New Democracy.
Laos pulled out of the government this month before a crucial parliament vote to back tougher austerity measures demanded by rescue creditors.
"As soon as I left, pensions were cut ... And that just shows you what we were up against," Karatzaferis told a meeting of party supporters.
He renewed a promise to take drastic action against immigrants who entered the country illegally, cutting off their ability to send money out of the country.
He claimed that two million people remain undocumented in Greece.
"We will get rid of two million illegal immigrants – many of whom are criminals," he said.
"I won't deport them, I will give them what they want: travel papers so the next day they can all travel to the paradise of Europe. I will send them gift-wrapped to Merkel." (Athens News/gw)

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