
Monday 6 February 2012

IMF’s Thomsen Earns as Much as 35 Greeks or 53 Portuguese Annually?

IMF’s Thomsen Earns as Much as 35 Greeks or 53 Portuguese Annually?

 The talented Mr Thomsen, the surgeon who tries to finish people’s lives with a fine scalpel, the ambitious Poul Thomsen from IMF allegedly earns $240,000 or €185,000 annually, with the largest part of his income being tax free. The man who tries to make people in Greece and Portugal to work for a piece of bread and taxes even those living below the poverty line, earns  so much as 35 Greeks or 53 Portuguese in one year. Once Greeks and Portuguese do indeed manage to get a job and work for the minimum wage of €751 and €485 gross respectively.

Newspaper Eleftheros Typos notes, that the annual income of Poul Thomsen is in fact much higher and he can earn even $309,000 as deputy director of the European Department of the IMF, as he is paying according to the B05 lever. A large part of the income is tax free, since all non-American employees of the International Monetary Fund are exempted from income tax.
IMf employees enjoy also a number of other priviledges and benefits.
The IMF justifies the salaries and privileges on the grounds of ‘competitiveness’, giving another meaning to the word. In Greece, Poul Thomsen wants to lower the minimum wage from 761 down to 561 euro gross per month..
Officers at IMF saw their earnings increase at 4.9% in 2011. Greeks’ wages decreased at 25% since 1009.
One could argue, that the IMF has not debts when compared to Greece and Portugal. However the salary of Thomsen & Co is paid by the money of IMF-member states taxpayers, including the debt-ridden Greeks.

source: Eleftheros Typos via and

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