
Saturday 11 February 2012

Guru? of Wall Street Roubini Still Doubts Plans for Greece, Insists Eurozone Core Must Do More

The famous Guru of Wall Street, NYU Professor Nouriel Roubini

NEW YORK – Nouriel Roubini, a distinguished economist who gained renown by identifying the elements which led to the Great Recession of 2008 spoke on “Greece and the Eurozone: The Road-Map Ahead,” at an event presented by The Hellenic American Bankers Association (HABA) in partnership with Bloomberg, LP, in Manhattan on February 9. Unlike other statements he has made over the past year, Roubini did not declare Greece should default on its external debt, nor did he explicitly predict Greece would do so. However, he presented Argentina as an example of one of four paths Greece might take. Argentina, which defaulted and devalued its currency in 2002, generated strong export-driven growth that ended its own debt crisis.

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