
Thursday 2 February 2012

British MEP Farage Angers German MEPs With “State Commisioner” Comparison

British MEP Farage Angers German MEPs With “State Commisioner” Comparison

 A mid-fight broke out between British MEP Nigel Farage and some German MEPs, including the German President of the European Parliament, after Farage compared Berlin’s proposal to assign a state commissioner to Greece with a word used by the Nazis. German Economic daily Handelsblat in its article “Farage: State Commisionner is like a “Gauleiter” describes Farage comparison as a ‘rather ugly expression’ and writes: the German proposal for Greece to set up a “state commissioner” elicited Nigel Faragea a rather ugly expression. The British MEP alluded with the word  “Gauleiter” on Hitler’s Germany.”
Other German media like conservative DIE WELT  sees in Farage’s description a “mock directed to Merkel’.  ”MEP Nigel Farage thought  Merkel’s idea of a state Commissioner for Greece was a joke. Typically British: he now speaks of a “Gauleiter”.

A Gauleiter described a district leader, member of Nationalist Party during the Nazi Germany.
 Speaking at the European Parliament on Wednesday, Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and co-president of EFD Group,  criticized the German idea using a word and said:
“Now, I must say I thought the weekend’s proposals from the German Finance Ministry that came out, suggesting that a European Commissioner and his staff occupy a big building in Athens and take over the running of the country.
- A gauleiter some may say, – I thought it must be a joke” (source: UKIP)
The UK Independence Party uploaded the video with Farage’s speech ” Diplomacy at Gundpoint” on YouTube.
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Farage’s allusion angrered German , with Reinhard Bütikofer (Greens) accusing him of “incitement to hatred”. Farage responded, saying he used the prefix ‘some may say…,” adding that the Euro project had caused great disharmony among nations and that Britain itself had acted badly towards Greece in the 19th century with gunboat diplomacy.
The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz intervened and said “Nationalism is propagated in this house by those who wear flags upon their desks and nationalism upon their sleeve. I believe you are one of them. Next speaker is Mr Bork”, according to official website of UKIP MEPs
Farage walked out of the European Parliament (AFP)

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