
Sunday 26 February 2012

The Australian: “Greeks Are Successful Everywhere Else But in Greece”

A recent article of Matthew Parris for The Australian (Feb. 20 - Beating up an entire people a huge injustice) has highlighted that Europe is seeing the Greek people as a wholly “culturally dysfunctional” body, which cannot be farther away from the truth since Greeks have always been distinguished for their work and enterprises over the years.
“The Greeks are successful everywhere but in Greece” points out the journalist, commenting that this oxymoron must be attributed to the failed political and financial system reigning in Greece.
The current article in support of the Greek people being at the mercy of European politics and the frenzy of degradation is not the only one in the Australian press. Many reports emphasize that Greece
is only one step away from default and that any new bailout loan simply adds to the vicious circle of recession and destruction of the Greek economy, which is completely unable as a system to overcome the current challenges.
Moreover, the Australian media points out the new phenomenon of depression taking over the debt-ridden Greek society lately, which has resulted in the increase of suicide rates.
The Australian has also reproduced a “Guardian” article dedicated to Manolis Glezos, Greek leftist MP, known for tearing down the swastika from the Acropolis during World War II, who claimed that Greece has become the guinea pig of governments; servants of the rotten capitalistic system.

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