
Monday, 30 January 2012

President Plevneliev: Bulgaria is an Example for Greece??????

President Plevneliev: Bulgaria is an Example for Greece

What do we have here? A reviving of former Germany’s allies expressing in one or other way their admiration for iron fiscal policies of Angela Merkel? Working with the target of a German hegemony in Europe through an economic strategy? Bulgarian president Rosen Plevneliev told German edition of Financial Times that Germany should have a leading role in Europe. In a moment of sudden blurriness attack, Plevneliev adviced his Greek neighbor to follow the apparently successful plan of Bulgaria’s fiscal stability.

“10 years ago Bulgaria’s total debt was 100% from the Gross Domestic Product, now it is 16% while Greece went from 100% to 170%. We privatized many things “dramatically” quickly. We had 100 000 people laid off in the construction sector and another 15 000 in the public sector” he says.
Plevneliev is the president of the poorest country within the European Union.
Why does Rosen see the streets of Bulgaria full of roses? Several thousands of his citizens have been working as foreigner workers Greece and even receive pensions after a couple of years. Hundreds come to Greece and get hired as seasonal workers. At the same time, one-third of his citizens, i.e. 1.5 million people, cannot afford proper heating, while one quarter of the population lives below the poverty line. At the same time the World Bank advice the country to prepare a contingency plan to overcome economic downturn.

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