
Wednesday 4 January 2012

My Greek Odyssey

In a period when everything i1s fluid and crisis all over the world seems to be taking over, there was a very dim ray of light…the TV miniseries documentary “Joanna Lumley-A Greek Odyssey” attempted to portray Greece in a very positive light…and in fact,it succeeded.
The 4 part documentary was broadcast on English TV (ITV1) and quite surprisingly it hit high rates of viewing…Who would have expect it?!
Joanna herself -an English established actress- took on the role of the presenter and with the crew, she traveled all over Greece, portraying and putting out there what’s best for this small country that we come from. Noone would have imagined that in this turmoil and undoubtedly difficult time for Greece, there would be even the slightest interest to watch or even do a documentary of this sort.
Throughout her journey, which of-course started from Athens and…what else her landmark…The Parthenon, she came across ordinary people, who were happy to share a meal with her out of their poor existence and also famous ones like Nana Mousxouri who were happy to sing for her -a capela- in one of the most famous theaters in the world…Epidaurus.

She was deeply touched and moved when she traveled all the way to Macedonia, where the small villages border with Turkey and she met certain old people who shared their lives’ tragic story/history, confessing why we’re still not in good terms with Turkey…things that she didn’t even know!
Later on, Mrs. Lumley visited Mpoumpoulina’s house and paid her respects to one of the most crucial female heroines of all time, not only in Greek history, but all over the world.
She admitted that for a small country like this, her contribution to world history is enormous and quite surprisingly she stated that without Greece the world would be nothing and nowhere at the moment.
No wonder why at the very last episode, which was filmed in Meteora, she very wisely stated….”Greece was, is and will always be the light of the world…Greece may be going through some tough times at the moment, but she will rise again, like the phoenix from the ashes…She will rise to see another dawn again”. May it be so!!

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