
Tuesday 10 January 2012

Israeli Deputy PM Ehud Barak on Greek visit

Defence Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos with his Israeli counterpart (Eurokinissi)

Defence Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos with his Israeli counterpart (

Defence Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos met on Tuesday with Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Ehud Barak, and discussed bilateral cooperation in the defence sector.
The talks between the two ministers were held in a "good climate", and the political framework was set out for further cooperation between Greece and Israel in the defence sector.
In statements to the press afterwards, Avramopoulos described Barak's visit to Athens as "important", as it reaffirmed the strengthening of relations between the two eastern Mediterranean relations in the backdrop of a fastly changing region. "Our choice and commitment is a deepening of cooperation," Avramopoulos said, noting that the consolidation of bilateral relations had been late in coming.
Avramopoulos further stressed that the cooperation between Greece and Israel is "pro-peace and frank, and is not aimed against anyone".
On the contrary, he added, it could create new sources of wealth for the peoples of the two countries but also the peoples of the region.
Avramopoulos reiterated that Greek foreign policy goals aim to establish good relations with all its regional neighbours in the eastern Mediterranean basin, and stressed that Greece will continue to play a stabilising role in the region.
Barak, in turn, stressed that Israel looks forward to closer relations with Greece. He thanked Greece for its assistance in last year's devastating wildfires in Israel.
He also said that the two countries have a common interest in the resolution of the differences in the region, to the benefit of peace and of stability in the Middle East and eastern Mediterranean.
Barak will be received by Greek President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias and by Prime Minister Lucas Papademos later on Tuesday, while in the afternoon he will have talks with Greek foreign minister Stavros Dimas. (AMNA/ Athens News)

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