
Wednesday 25 January 2012

Athens: Unionists Block Troika-Team from Exiting Hilton-Hotel

Athens: Unionists Block Troika-Team from Exiting Hilton-Hotel

Unionists from the Greek Communist Party surrounded the Hilton Hotel where the Troika representatives stay when in Athens. With flags and banners saying “Troika Go Home” and “Troika Get Out of Greece” five hundred PAME-unionists took position outside the hotel in downtown Athens in an action to protest the Troika’s interventions in the labour rights of the Greek private sector. Troika demands the decrease of the minimum wage, the repealing of 13th and 14th salary and a number of changes in labour rights  as a precondition for a second rescue package for Greece.

“This is a protest against those plundering our income, against those condemning our children and us to hunger and unemployment”, said the PAME unionists. The protesters had gathered outside the Hilton Hotel as early as 6.30 in the morning, most probably scaring the Troika guys in their beds with the loud megaphones and the slogans.
Riot police squads stood between the unionists and the hotel building.
Greek media report that the IMF, EU and ECB representatives requested the intervention of a prosecutor so that they could leave the hotel.
The protest ended at 10 a.m. without the need of police or  prosecutor’s intervention.

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