One of the reasons I began to post positive or uplifting images on a daily basis was because I was beginning to feel dragged down by the daily filth around us upon which I was so focused. That spiritual uplift of art has always been my retreat from ugliness and I felt that balancing all the horror with one fine piece a day was a good thing. Judging by the number of hits these images get, it seems that itch is being scratched for a great deal of you regular visitors to my humble blog.
following is not an easy read. But then again, this is not a
simplistic facet of our society today. It is, however important as
in, for example, the soaring number of suicides today, the darkness of
so much
art, the mind numbing music, the runaway materialism that persists
despite the
problems of our over consumerism. It and more are all connected. I might
mention that throw in the scientific "show me and prove it" demand for
empirical evidence in all matters and the corresponding rise of the
bleakness known as atheism and you have created an extremely toxic stew.
A toxic stew that serves the Talmudic/Communist/Zionist/Fascist/Bolshevik agenda that we face today as our physical and spiritual oppressors. Almost every one of the men below was Jewish. Almost every single one. The more depressing, the more Jewish.
Consider therefore what the Jewish Encyclopedia says
about Jews:
"Idiocy and imbecility are found comparatively more often among Jews than among non-Jews . . . The Mongolian type of idiocy is also very frequently observed among Jews . . . Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large . . . Jews are more liable to acute psychoses of early age than are non-Jews." (The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, (1904), p. 556, 603-04)."The Jews are more subject to diseases of the nervous system than the other races and peoples among which they dwell. Hysteria and neurasthenia appear to be most frequent. Some physicians of large experience among the Jews have even gone so far as to state that most of them are neurasthenic and hysterical." (The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. IX, (1905), p. 225).
destructive belief systems to be discussed below may sound like a crock
of pseudo-intellectual pretentious mumbo jumbo, and to me that is
exactly what it is. However, unfortunately for the human race, this
toxic gumbo has been made manifest by the social manipulators of the
past few hundred years from basic Illuminati to Hitler to the
Rockefellers and Rothschilds who would of course be behind much of the
funding necessary to bring these destructive changes to fruition.
Political correctiveness is a crime, no matter how you look at it.
Nazism of the soul, stultification of freedom to be, do and say what is right
and good.
Many people much wiser than I have said that one of the main goals
of those whom I term “the dark side” is to lower our belief in our selves, to
immerse us in gloom and despair, a sickness of the soul. Although this is an
article dealing with Lyndon LaRouche, a man whom I admittedly know very little,
there is still a great deal of amazing information to be found here.
I have posted extensively about the vileness of the Frankfurt
School but this article goes even deeper than that. To find my previous work,
just type in “Frankfurt School” and/or “political correctiness” into the search
link on the right for a list of articles and films on this corrupting
This long article goes back to the origins of the school that has
so effectively traumatized the West and will not be satisfied until it is
utterly destroyed. The mindset sought is Communist or Marxist in origins although
it is based originally on the work of Nietzsche, the dour twisted philosophical
meanderings of a syphilitic ridden soul full of resentment and anger… a sort of spiritual running sore that
continues, to this day, to plague the West, now almost completely meshed on a
cellular level.
The author explains what happened to our bright and optimistic
boomer generation and why. How we were attacked from within by our educational
institutions. Art, music, these things that once made the spirit soar with creativity
are now meant to shock and disgust, to control and lower the psyche. Of these
things, too, have so many people written. Now read on. And remember, a high
percentage of these people were Jewish although this did not save the Jewish
people, as a whole, during World War II.
I may not agree with some of the history presented as such, but this
article is too important overall to neglect.
As you read along, remember this, a motto I will repeat until I am blue in the face (however not a zionist blue, more akin to cyanosis).
As you read along, remember this, a motto I will repeat until I am blue in the face (however not a zionist blue, more akin to cyanosis).
Pharisaism is Talmudism;
Talmudism is Judaism;
Judaism is Zionism;
Zionism is Communism;
Communism is Nazism;
Nazism is the New World Order;
The New World Order is the reign of the Antichrist;
They are all the Six forms of ultimate Satanic evil.
February, 1993
``Who will save us from Western
~ Georg Lukacs, 1914
~ Georg Lukacs, 1914
``Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho,
Western Culture's Got to Go''
~ Stanford University students, 1988
~ Stanford University students, 1988
University of Chicago professor Allan Bloom died in October
1992, at the age of 62. A translator of Plato and Rousseau, and a long-time
college educator, Bloom became widely known for his 1987 book, The Closing of the American Mind.
Closing touched
a nerve. At the time of its publication, it had become clear that the worst
lunacies of the drug-rock-sex ``counterculture'' of the late 1960s had, over
the subsequent 20 years, never abated on the nation's campuses; in fact, many
of the leaders of that counterculture ~ now equipped with Ph.D.s ~ had become
the dominant minority in college faculties and administrations.
This minority was consciously training their students to be a thought police enforcing ``political correctness,'' ready to denounce and punish any student or instructor deemed guilty of racism, sexism, insufficient sensitivity to the homosexual ``lifestyle,'' or too high an appreciation of Western Judeo-Christian culture.
In the five years since
Bloom's book, the situation on campus has become worse. Even as Bloom's thesis
was being debated, students at California's Stanford University, supported in
person by Jesse Jackson, were successfully overturning the university's Western
Civilization course requirement as ``racist''; at their demonstrations, the
students chanted, ``Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Culture's Got to Go.''
Across the country, students have successfully demanded that readings from ``DEMs'' (``Dead European Male'' writers) be replaced by supposedly more relevant female and Third World authors.Most major universities now subscribe to quotas, to ensure a politically correct mix of whites, blacks, Hispanics, and homosexuals.Most schools now also have speech codes, like the model code promulgated at the University of Wisconsin, which, for instance, permits a black student to call a white ``honkie,'' but would punish a white student for calling a black ``nigger.''
This article has two
FIRST: I shall demonstrate that all manifestations of ``political correctness'' are generated by a single core philosophy which is actively evil. The antics on campus often appear humorous, and make good news copy; but, what stands behind them, is evil ~ a philosophy of evil that is responsible for genocide and untold human misery, and represents a danger not only to American education, but also to the continuation of the American form of government.SECOND: The politically correct rampages that gall so many observers will not be defeated until the evil philosophy underlying those atrocities is confronted with an opposing philosophy which comprehends the actual function of education. LaRouche is the only thinker today who is still asking the question, ``Why educate?'' The only effective means of combating political correctness is bringing the ideas of LaRouche onto the campus.

1. The nineteenth-century philosopher Frederich Nietzsche;2. His twentieth-century follower Martin Heidegger;3. And the Critical Theory of the so-called Frankfurt School, including Georg Lukacs, Herbert Marcuse, Walter Benjamin, and Theodor Adorno.
Bloom is wrong in
thinking that British liberalism is the positive basis of American education.
At its best, American education was based on the German system of classical
education, the same system subverted in Germany by Nietzsche, Heidegger, and
the Frankfurt School.
Bloom's criticism of the
latter as the source of political correctness is on the mark. However, he is
ultimately unable to effectively combat it because he had no rigorous basis for
criticizing British liberalism.
``Political correctness'' was a phrase originally used in Communist Party intellectual circles in the 1930s and 1940s. It was revived by neoconservative authors around 1990 as an insulting characterization of a general school of thought that might be more scientifically called postmodernism.
All the lunacies being
taught on campus are postmodernism. The postmodernists spend much of their time
polemicizing with each other over who, exactly, has possession of the true
grail of postmodernism; thus, there are structuralists, poststructuralists,
feminist deconstructionists, Third World lesbian feminist deconstructionists,
and so on. However, all postmodernist thought has its proximate origins, as
Bloom implies, in the three sources of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and the Frankfurt
The postmodernists will
not deny this; most celebrate it.
What, then, is

Heidegger concluded that the most important thing that he shared with Nietzsche was the commitment to extinguish the last traces in Western civilization of what he called ``metaphysical humanism.''This commitment was also shared by the Frankfurt School.
``Metaphysics'' is the
investigation of that which is not in the physical world, which generates the
physical world, or generates changes in the physical world. Many readers will
say at this point:
``Something which is not generated by the world, but which operates in the world? That's God.''
God: a perfectly valid
response. That answer doesn't exhaust the subject of metaphysics, and many
metaphysicians would deny the existence of God, but it gives us a common ground
to admit the validity of the investigation. So what Heidegger is saying is: We
have to remove as a subject of discussion, any theory which admits of the
possibility of human activity connected to a metaphysical agency.
Now, go back to
Nietzsche, the context for Heidegger's analysis. Nietzsche is probably most
famous for a single sentence, written a little over 100 years ago: ``God is
This, it should be noted,
is a lot nastier than the classic atheist argument that ``God does not exist
and here are my proofs;'' Nietzsche was saying,
``God is dead; I killed Him; and I want you to kill Him too.'' This statement ~ ``God is dead'' ~ is the basis of all politically correct postmodernism.
Frederich Nietzsche
(1844-1900) was a professor of classics who abandoned his academic career in
his thirties to write wildly polemical philosophical works. In 1888, he
collapsed on the street and spent the remainder of his life in semi-catatonia; syphilis was the probable cause.
Nietzsche wrote to prove that the highest concepts that mankind has developed, the idea of God, the idea of morality, of good and evil, are foolish and false; mankind evolved these ideas over the centuries as a self-consolation, to escape the mental pain of admitting that this material world, and our very short-lived bodies are all that we have, and all that we can expect.

However, the subject peoples
chaffed under this aristocratic rule and became vengeful, so the rulers had to
invent the concept of God to justify their orders. But, this ploy by the master
race contained the seeds of their own destruction. They had to create priests
to administer this religion, and these priests started to believe their own
propaganda, and began to oppose the aristocracy. Ultimately, you have what
Nietzsche calls ``the most priestly people,'' the Jews.
``All that has been done
on earth against `the noble', `the powerful,' `the masters,' `the rulers,'
fades into nothing compared with what the Jews have done against them,'' said
Nietzsche. Here, incidentally, is where Hitler got the core of his
anti-Semitism; even in his mass murder, Hitler was pursuing what he thought
were philosophical ends.
Why were the Jews bad?Because they gave us Jesus.
According to Nietzsche,
Christianity is thus a Jewish plot, whose conspiratorial origins are lost in the fact that the plot has been so successful over the last two thousand years.
And that's what Hitler
said too:
First we must eliminate the Jews, then we will deal with enervating effects of Christianity on the Nazi master race. Therefore, Christianity is the most false of all false myths of religion.
What we must do, says
Nietzsche, is to return in our minds to the past ~ before Christianity, before
Jewish monotheism, especially before Socrates and Plato, who demonstrated that
there must be a self-subsisting Good which is connected to the evolution,
through mankind, of the physical universe.
Modern man must
``eternally return'' to a sufficiently primitive time when man was starting to
make his own god-myths.
Homer, says Nietzsche in a famous example, was a great author not because he wrote about the gods, but because he created his own gods.
Nietzsche's revolutionary
New Man of the future, the Uebermensch or superman, must strip away all
the values with which he has lived ~ equality, justice, humility ~ and see them
as illegitimate overlays on society.
We must have an Umwertung
aller Werte (the ``transvaluation'' or ``revaluation of all values''):
Each man makes his own
values, makes his own concept of good and evil, based upon his own physical and
intellectual strength. The man of the future must be a beast of prey, an
``artist of violence'' creating new myths, new states based upon the essence of
human nature, which Nietzsche identifies as Wille zur Macht, the ``Will
to Power.''
At the same time, the old illegitimate metaphysical overlays must be pitilessly destroyed, starting with Christianity.As Nietzsche concludes: ``I am the Antichrist.''
Heidegger and the Frankfurt School can essentially be
characterized as commentators on Nietzsche. (We can also include Sigmund Freud
in this category, but for reasons of space, we only offer the suggestion.)
Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) began his first Nietzsche lecture
in Nazi Germany in 1936, by announcing that Nietzsche was ``not merely so
subversive as he himself was wont to pose.''
Nietzsche didn't go far enough.
Nietzsche's will to power, said Heidegger, still retains an unnecessary metaphysical quality, because it allows the individual ego to create a conception of the physical universe without sufficient reference to the actual objects of the universe; that is, if God is truly killed, then objects are all we have, and therefore the sole determinant of our will and our ideas.
In this context,
Heidegger told his students that
``Christian philosophy''
is a contradiction in terms. Actual philosophy must distinguish between Sein
(``Being'' in the abstract) and Dasein (literally, ``being-there,'' the
notion of being as it is lived in the world of experiences).
The mental history of man
is Dasein attempting to grasp Sein, or what Heidegger and his
followers called the struggle to be ``authentic.'' The problem is that
phenomena ~ including other people, races, social systems, as well as hard
little objects ~ are ``historicized.''
They are historically
specific; Plato's ideas, for instance, were thought in the context of a
specific point in history, which is not our point in history, but they are
treated as real in our point in history, whereas, as Heidegger says, they
aren't real.
Heidegger goes even
Life itself is ultimately ``inauthentic'' because we are all mortal, and there is no immortality.
Therefore, the most
authentic and human we can be is Sein zum Tode (``being unto death''),
the recognition that Being ends in death. Some readers will notice at this
point in our survey, that this is the origin of postwar existentialism, which
merely took these ideas to their logical ends, and announced that
The most authentic act, the most truthful act that a human being could achieve was blowing one's own brains out.
Sein zum Tode being
the case, the most a people can hope to do, is find what Heidegger calls ``a
Hero,'' who will transcend the historicity which has been handed down to them,
and will create a new, more authentic history.
For Martin Heidegger, that Hero was Adolf Hitler; and, it is undeniable, that thousands of young German intellectuals followed Hitler to their deaths, based upon Heidegger's teachings.
The Frankfurt School is
largely Nietzsche and Heidegger, plus a Communist organizing program.
The Frankfurt School was
founded by Georg Lukacs, a Hungarian aristocrat who became a literary theorist
based largely upon the work of Nietzsche and his various elaborators.

There, his task was to answer the striking question: Why did Bolshevism succeed in Russia, but fail to take hold in the West despite Communist insurrection across Europe?
To this end, Lukacs
gathered a group of Marxist sociologists and philosophers who set up the
Institute for Social Research (ISR) in Frankfurt, Germany in 1922; this became
popularly known as the Frankfurt School. The ISR determined that the key was
that Russia was dominated by a peculiar Gnostic form of Christianity which was
ultimately pessimistic.
This kind of Christianity
deemphasized the role of the individual soul as a subject acting in the world,
and replaced it with the kind of individual who derived identity by submerging
him or herself in the ``communal soul.'' The Bolsheviks succeeded in Russia,
said the ISR, because they convinced a portion of the population that their
revolutionary movement represented a new secular messiah; that is, they were
able to unleash, through propaganda and terrorism, all of the popular
resentment ~ or Nietzschean ``vengefulness,'' if you will ~ against the
aristocracy and the Orthodox Church bureaucracy, while at the same time
maintaining the ideology of the communal soul.
They were able to make a simple shift: You derive your identity not from the Church or Holy Mother Russia, but from the Party.The ISR investigators asserted that the problem was that, despite the most pessimistic efforts of Nietzsche and his followers, the West still was dominated by a Judeo-Christian culture which emphasized the uniqueness and sacredness of the individual soul.
Worse than that, from the
ISR's standpoint, the culture of the West maintained that the individual,
through the exercise of his or her reason, could discern the Divine Will in an
unmediated relationship; that meant that the individual could change the physical
universe in the pursuit of the Good ~ that mankind could have dominion over
nature as commanded by the opening chapters of the Book of Genesis.
This meant that every individual in the West ~ however deep down ~ was still optimistic; they still believed that the divine spark of reason in every man and woman can solve the problems facing society, no matter how big those problems are.And that meant that the West could not have a successful Bolshevik revolution. Thus, in 1914, Lukacs could write his great complaint,``Who will save us from Western civilization?''
The ISR's particular
contribution to the theory and practice of postmodernist Hell was to realize
that Western culture could be manipulated in such a way as to self-destruct.
All that is in culture had to be abolished through an active theory of criticism, while at the same time, new cultural forms had to be created ~ forms which would not enlighten nor uplift, but which would expose the true degradation of life under capitalism and the false myths of monotheism.What was needed was what Lukacs called the ``abolition of culture,'' a new ``culture of pessimism,'' a world in which the individual does not believe that he or she can have a personal destiny, but only ``a destiny of the community in a world that has been abandoned by God.''
The political task was
to fill the people of the
with hatred, pessimism,
and hopelessness
~ while simultaneously
making them so stupid
that they saw no other
solution to their problems
than wild, uncontrollable
In the 45 years following 1922, the ISR spun out theory after theory (collectively known as Critical Theory), designed to forcibly remove the joy, the divine spark of reason, out of our appreciation of art, literature, and music.

Like Nietzsche and
Heidegger, Benjamin and his colleagues were determined to locate the origins of
philosophy before Socrates and Plato. Benjamin admits that most people think
that Socrates started philosophy with the subject of the reasonable mind
hypothesizing the nature of the physical universe, and seeking successively
higher hypotheses to better that understanding.
At the beginning of the
eighteenth century, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, basing himself on Socrates,
Plato, and Nicolaus of Cusa, had demonstrated that this hypothesizing mind
could not be material; matter does not think. (Keep in mind that Leibniz is not
talking about thinking as simple mental activity, as Freud does; he defines
thinking as creative activity.)
The creative mind can
apprehend the truth of the physical universe, but it is not determined by that
physical universe. The creative mind is self-consciously reflecting on the past
understanding of the universe in the present to effect the future understanding
of the universe, and the creative act is as immortal as the soul which
envisions it.
All this is wrong, says
Benjamin. Philosophy begins with the material object, not the mind. Way back in
the primordial past (reliance on this hypothetical ``primordial past'' is
obsessive), man was confronted with the objects of physical reality; philosophy
began with man's naming of these objects.

Creativity exists in a
fashion, but it is only the attempt by man to get back to that primordial name
or essence of the object, past the impediments of capitalist society. But
creativity cannot be immortal or universal since it is based on the material
world; the creative act must be specifically related to its point in history ~ again,
the historicity of Nietzsche and Heidegger.
The creative act of
Mozart or Shakespeare cannot be known as Mozart or Shakepseare understood it in
their point in history, but only as we understand it in our own, ``alienated''
point in history.
Therefore, there is no
universal history; there is no universal truth; there is no natural law. The
best art in the modern period, says Benjamin, cannot be judged by the bourgeois
concepts of good and evil.
Benjamin gives the
example of the consciously evil art of the French Symbolists and Surrealists:
Their ``Satanism,'' as he calls it, cannot be judged as bad, because it exposes
the false morality of ``capitalist art.''
Theodor Adorno, a
musician himself, did the same thing for music. Beethoven, says Adorno,
actually yearned to write atonal music and this is supposedly shown by his
chord structure; however, Beethoven simply didn't have the guts to break with
the social structures of his period, which would not have accepted the
revolutionary change to atonalism.
Today's music must be atonal because atonalism is ugly, and only ugly music tells us the truth about the ugliness of our own miserable existence.The purpose of art, said Benjamin, is to organize pessimism, and ``To organize pessimism means nothing other than to expel the moral metaphor from politics.''
The Frankfurt School was
not satisfied with theory; they attempted to put this nonsense into practice.
The entire institute (with the exception of Benjamin, who died in 1941 of a
self-administered drug overdose) decamped to America as Hitler was coming to
Sponsored by such
institutions as CBS, Columbia University, the American Jewish Committee, and
the B'nai B'rith, it became the dominant force in sociological and
communications theory.
It developed the concept
of the ``authoritarian personality'' to get scholarly justification for its
irrationalism, defining as ``authoritarian,'' anyone who has too high a regard
for family, nation, or reason itself.
The Frankfurt School's Critical Theory is the basis for today's ``entertainment industry,'' a phrase which the School coined; it is the theoretical basis of all of today's television, film, and music programming.
It is the basis of the
public opinion polls that have become the determining factor of politics in
This is what is behind all the nonsense about DEMs.
``Why are you forcing us to read Homer, Plato, and Cervantes? These are all male writers who share a common Western culture; all they can write about are their own experiences and their own values.“They can't say anything important to a woman or a black person, or a homosexual. You have to read female authors, and black authors and gay authors for that, because, as we all know, mental life is delimited by materialism ~ all we can say about life is how our different instinctual and genetic structures, as women, as men, as blacks, as homosexuals, interrelate with our experienced existence (``Dasein'') as men, women, blacks, or homosexuals.''
In 1967, a Frenchman
named Roland Barthes founded the literary theory of ``poststructuralism'' with
a single statement, basing himself completely on Benjamin and in conscious
emulation of Nietzsche's famous sentence: ``The author is dead.''
By this he meant:
Let's go all the way and admit that any important literary figure was so completely determined by his conscious and unconscious interaction with his material existence that to talk about ``the author'' is obsolete, and to say that some past author has anything to say to you today, is hopelessly naive.
Even the words that the
author used are freighted with the meanings imposed by the ruling class of that
specific period, so the words themselves are suspect because they subtly convey
capitalist oppression. In 1979, while accepting a prestigious professorship in
Paris, Barthes concluded:
``Language is fascism.''
Many readers have seen
reports of the experimental Rainbow Curriculum in New York: children have to be
taught tolerance for the homosexual lifestyle, the Satanic lifestyle, and so
This is called ``values
clarification'' in new educational texts.
``Excuse me,'' says the
parent, ``Could you teach some family values, some universal values of good and
The school responds, in
``Universal values? Are you an authoritarian? Are you a religious fanatic? The only universal truth is that a syphilitic Nazi was right: We all create our own values ~ Umwertung aller Werte.''
It comes as no surprise
that John Dewey, the founder of modern American educational theory, was a
public and committed follower of Frederich Nietzsche.
Postmodernism, in its political expression, invariably takes the
form of Nazism-Communism. By this, I do not mean some mushy concept like
I am not talking about Nazism or Communism, but ``Nazism-Communism,'' a specific ideological type which allows the victim to move ~ without serious philosophical contradiction ~ back and forth between Nazi Party and Communist Party card-carrying membership.

An enormous amount of ink
has been wasted over the last 40 years in the attempt to minimize or justify
Heidegger's Nazism as a confused interlude. At the time, however, Heidegger
left no doubt that the ``inner truth and greatness of this [Nazi] movement''
was exactly what he had been talking about for the previous decade.
Heidegger even tried to
recruit his co-thinker and university colleague, Karl Jaspers, to the Party.
Jaspers had no choice in the matter, since his wife was Jewish; at one point,
however, Jaspers reports that he challenged Heidegger on Hitler's ignorance of
``Education is altogether unimportant,'' answered Heidegger, ``just look at his marvelous hands.''
At the same time that
Heidegger was making these statements, his students included a large portion of
the group that would dominate postwar academia on the Continent. Among the
Germans was Hans-Georg Gadamer, the faculty adviser to the 1960s generation of
student radicals.
French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre, arguably Europe's most famous Communist of the 1950s, went to Nazi Germany for the sole purpose of studying at Heidegger's feet; it is not exaggeration to say that Sartre learned his Stalinism from a Nazi.
Heidegger's other famous
student, the Frankfurt School's Herbert Marcuse, had left Germany by the time
of the Nazi regime, and was in America, on his way to becoming the single most
important ideological guru of America's New Left.
In the 1960s, Heidegger himself came full circle, and announced that ``the Marxist view of history excels all others''; by this late date, Heidegger also publicly agreed with Marcuse that the origin of totalitarianism, including Nazism, was really technological progress, which destroys philosophical thinking and increases alienation.Predictably, the extremist ecologist Green Party of Germany began to take up the arguments of both Heidegger and Marcuse.

RIGHT: Marcuse, enlarge thumb to read.
In 1987, it was
discovered that de Man had written anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi articles for a collaboratist
journal in German-occupied Belgium in 1941-1942; the Belgian Resistance had
publicly denounced him as a traitor. The deconstructionist movement that de Man
had helped develop took these revelations in stride: ``The author is dead,''
therefore, the historically specific Nazi de Man is a completely different
entity than the historically specific Yale deconstructionist.
Today, we have evidence that postmodernism is reverting, lawfully, to its raw Nazi-Communist form.
The architects of the
rape- and murder-camps built as part of the Serbian ``ethnic cleansing'' of the
former Yugoslavia have been shown to include a group of nominally leftist
psychiatrists trained in the Nietzschean psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan.
It must be emphasized
that the horrors in Bosnia were simply the ``culture of barbarism'' sought by
Lukacs, and the ``forced retardation'' of Adorno, and the ``primitivization''
of Nietzsche and Heidegger.
What went on in Bosnia was a forced march to tribalism,
and postmodernists think tribal existence is a positive good, where people live
more ``authentically,'' and the will to power is fully liberated. This also
explains the dominance of postmodern theory over today's ``Afro-centrist'' and
``indigenous peoples'' movements.

In three recent articles
(see references) LaRouche has outlined a comprehensive reform of America's
elementary and secondary education system. These reforms and the philosophical
method that stands behind them, represent the only effective antidote to
politically correct postmodernism. Piecemeal opposition is absurd in the face
of a coherent philosophy of evil; only a complete philosophy which answers the
question, ``Why educate?'' can work.
``The purpose and content
of humanist education,'' says LaRouche, ``is not the accumulation of mere
information and recipes but rather the direct fostering of the individual spark
of creative genius (imago viva Dei ~ the image of the living God) in each
student, by a total emphasis upon incorporating in the student's mind crucial
moments from the acts of crucial, valid discoveries by (implicitly) all of the
greatest known creative geniuses of all history.''
LaRouche demands the
abandonment of all ``value-clarification'' and ``ethno-centrism'' from
education. Rather, we help the student to reexperience ~ without idiotic
reference to ``race, creed, color, or sexual preference'' ~ the creative moment
of scientific discovery.
We order those experiences, firstly, on the basis of
how each of those discoveries advances human understanding beyond the previous
one; and, secondly, how all of those advances, taken as a whole, perfect
humanity's ability to fulfill the command of Genesis to be fruitful,
multiply, and have dominion over the earth. That is, we help the student
experience, insofar as mankind can experience, the overall and ongoing act by
which the Creator is creating the human race.
As LaRouche emphasizes,
the purpose of elementary and secondary education is not to teach ``science,''
but scientific method, as the only possible preparation for further studies.
LaRouche goes so far as to offer a basis for ordering of past thinkers upon
whose successive scientific discoveries our Judeo-Christian culture and our
literal physical existence depends; he also notes in this context the most
influential representatives of the opposing, ``oligarchical'' tendency in the
history of thought.
It is striking that LaRouche's list matches almost exactly
one offered by postmodernist Wilhelm Dilthey about 75 years ago. Dilthey, a
colleague of Nietzsche, highly praised by Heidegger, and the teacher of several
Frankfurt School personnel, divided philosophy into two schools of thought: One
was represented by Socrates, St. Augustine, Cusanus, and Leibniz; and the other
by John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, and the mechanistic scientist Helmholz. But
for Dilthey, the ``values'' are reversed: Socrates and his followers are not to
be studied, but their influence destroyed!

Almost 300 years ago, Leibniz identified that there could only be two
methods of education, the ``recitatorial'' and the ``scientific'':
recitatorial ``method is thus used for reducing things already known into a
synopsis, and it also serves the purpose of teaching those who are looking for
a historical acquaintance with doctrines without the reasons for them. But it
does not preserve the order in which some truths are born of others; it is this
order which produces science.... So I consider philosophy not as an orderly
exposition of principles with which schoolboys or businessmen who require only
rote learning can be satisfied, but as true science not yet made public.''
Education will either
teach to confirm already known prejudices, as it does at Stanford; or it will
create minds whose thirst for understanding is endless, which look for that
``true science not yet public.'' We will teach children to understand our
physical universe in the consciousness of the immortality of great ideas of the
past, and in the immortality of their own creative acts.
LaRouche expresses
this beautifully in his paper, ``On the Subject of Metaphor'': ``So ... the
pupil's mind is populated, in effect, by a growing number of such past
historical personalities of science, to the effect that the pupil not merely
imagines these persons as if they were merely characters in some story, but
knows each as a living, thinking person, through replication of some creative
processes of each within the student's own mental processes.''
It must be emphasized:
The alternative to LaRouche's idea, is book-burning.
The postmodernists already
have imposed a very effective censorship on America's campuses. Of course, one
could respond by burning the postmodernists' books ~ but all that would leave
would be ashes.
LaRouche is offering a future in which each parent confidently
knows that the divine spark of genius in his or her child has been kindled at
an early age. Then, we can tell the postmodernists to publish all they want,
for we are confident that our children will ignore them.
The articles by Lyndon LaRouche cited above are published in Fidelio,
published by the Schiller Insitute. They are: ``On the Subject of Metaphor,''
Vol. 1, No. 3; ``Mozart's 1782-1786 Revolution in Music,'' Vol. 1, No. 4; ``On
the Subject of God,'' Vol. 2, No. 1.
Scenes during the 1980s of the drug counterculture, the environmentalist movement, and the gay rights movement ~ these are all transmission belts for the institutionalization of the ideology of ``political correctness'' on the nation's campuses.
``All the critics of
postmodernism, from Bloom on down, are defensive: `We respect your opinion, and
we should widen our scope to be more sensitive to other cultures, but please
don't force us to give up our Homer.'|''
``Lyndon LaRouche says:
`No, you are completely wrong. Great authors are not dead, and I can prove that
your own physical existence is dependent on those authors' living ideas.'''
Lyndon LaRouche holding a
seminar with college students in 1973. Getting LaRouche's ideas onto the
campuses today, is the only hope of reversing ``politically correct'' lunacy.
``The horrors in Bosnia
are simply the `culture of barbarism' sought by Lukacs, the `forced
retardation' of Adorno, and the `primitivization' of Nietzsche and Heidegger.''
``What is going on in
Bosnia is a forced march to tribalism, and postmodernists think tribal
existence is a positive good, where people live more `authentically,' and the
will to power is fully liberated.''
Recent news coverage of
war crimes in Bosnia. The invariable political expression of postmodernism is
``Nazism-Communism.'' The Frankfurt School-trained organizers of rape and
genocide in Bosnia are fulfilling Georg Lukacs's demand for a ``new culture of barbarism.''
In 1970, forty years
after he first proclaimed the importance of Bachofen's theory of the Great
Mother cult revival, the Frankfurt School's Erich Fromm surveyed how far things
had developed.
He listed seven
``social-psychological changes'' which indicated the advance of matriarchism
over patriarchism:
1. ``The failure of the patriarchal-authoritarian system to fulfill its function,'' including the prevention of pollution;2. ``Democratic revolutions'' which operate on the basis of ``manipulated consent;''3. ``The women's revolution;''4. ``Children's and adolescents' revolution,'' based on the work of Benjamin Spock and others, allowing children new, and more-adequate ways to express rebellion;5. The rise of the radical youth movement, which fully embraces Bachofen, in its emphasis on group sex, loose family structure, and unisex clothing and behaviors;6. The increasing use of Bachofen by professionals to correct Freud's overly-sexual analysis of the mother-son relationship ~ this would make Freudianism less threatening and more palatable to the general population; and7. ``The vision of the consumer paradise....In this vision, technique assumes the characteristics of the Great Mother, a technical instead of a natural one, who nurses her children and pacifies them with a never-ceasing lullaby (in the form of radio and television).In the process, man becomes emotionally an infant, feeling secure in the hope that mother's breasts will always supply abundant milk, and that decisions need no longer be made by the individual.''
An overwhelming amount of
the philosophy and artifacts of the American counter-culture of the 1960s, plus
the New Age nonsense of today, derives from a large-scale social experiment
sited in Ascona, Switzerland from about 1910 to 1935.
Originally a resort area
for members of Helena Blavatsky's Theosophy cult, the little Swiss village
became the haven for every occult, leftist and racialist sect of the original
New Age movement of the early 20th century. By the end of World War I, Ascona
was indistinguishable from what Haight-Ashbury would later become, filled with health
food shops, occult book stores hawking the I Ching, and Naturmenschen,
``Mr. Naturals'' who would walk about in long-hair, beads, sandals, and robes
in order to ``get back to nature.''
The dominant influence in
the area came from Dr. Otto Gross, a student of Freud and friend of Carl Jung,
who had been part of Max Weber's circle when Frankfurt School founder Lukacs
was also a member. Gross took Bachofen to its logical extremes, and, in the
words of a biographer,
``is said to have adopted Babylon as his civilization, in opposition to that of Judeo-Christian Europe....if Jezebel had not been defeated by Elijah, world history would have been different and better. Jezebel was Babylon, love religion, Astarte, Ashtoreth; by killing her, Jewish monotheistic moralism drove pleasure from the world.''Gross's solution was to recreate the cult of Astarte in order to start a sexual revolution and destroy the bourgeois, patriarchal family.
Among the members of his
cult were: Frieda and D.H. Lawrence; Franz Kafka; Franz Werfel, the novelist
who later came to Hollywood and wrote The Song of Bernadette;
philosopher Martin Buber; Alma Mahler, the wife of composer Gustave Mahler, and
later the liaison of Walter Gropius, Oskar Kokoschka, and Franz Werfel; among
The Ordo Templis
Orientalis (OTO), the occult fraternity set up by Satanist Aleister Crowley,
had its only female lodge at Ascona.
It is sobering to realize
the number of intellectuals now worshipped as cultural heroes who were
influenced by the New Age madness in Ascona ~ including almost all the authors
who enjoyed a major revival in America in the 1960s and 70s.
The place and its
philosophy figures highly in the works of not only Lawrence, Kafka and Werfel,
but also Nobel Prizewinners Gerhardt Hauptmann and Hermann Hesse, H.G. Wells,
Max Brod, Stefan George, and the poets Rainer Maria Rilke and Gustav Landauer.
In 1935 Ascona became the headquarters for Carl Jung's annual Eranos
Conferences to popularize Gnosticism.
Ascona was also the place
of creation for most of what we now call modern dance. It was headquarters to
Rudolf von Laban, inventor of the most-popular form of dance notation, and Mary
Wigman. Isadora Duncan was a frequent visitor. Laban and Wigman, like Duncan,
sought to replace the formal geometries of classical ballet with recreations of
cult dances which would be capable of ritualistically dredging up the
primordial racial memories of the audience.
When the Nazis came to
power, Laban became the highest dance official in the Reich, and he and Wigman
created the ritual dance program for the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin ~ which
were filmed by Hitler's personal director Leni Reifenstahl, a former student of
The peculiar occult
psychoanalysis popular in Ascona was also decisive in the development of much
of modern art. The Dada movement originated in nearby Zurich, but all its early
figures were Asconans in mind or body, especially Guillame Apollinaire, who was
a particular fan of Otto Gross. When ``Berlin Dada'' announced its creation in
1920, its opening manifesto was published in a magazine founded by Gross.
The primary document of
Surrealism also came from Ascona. Dr. Hans Prinzhorn, a Heidelberg
psychiatrist, commuted to Ascona, where he was the lover of Mary Wigman. In
1922, he published a book, ``The Artwork of the Mentally Ill,'' based on
paintings by his psychotic patients, accompanied by an analysis claiming that
the creative process shown in this art was actually more liberated than than of
the Old Masters. Prinzhorn's book was widely read by the modern artists of the
time, and a recent historian has called it, ``the Bible of the Surrealists.''
The Frankfurt School
devised the ``authoritarian personality'' profile as a weapon to be used
against its political enemies. The fraud rests on the assumption that a
person's actions are not important; rather, the issue is the psychological
attitude of the actor ~ as determined by social scientists like those of the
Frankfurt School.
The concept is diametrically opposed to the idea of natural law and to the republican legal principles upon which the United States was founded; it is, in fact, fascistic, and identical to the idea of ``thought crime,'' as described by George Orwell in his 1984, and to the theory of ``volitional crime'' developed by Nazi judge Roland Freisler in the early 1930s.
When the Frankfurt School
was in its openly pro-Bolshevik phase, its authoritarian personality work was
designed to identify people who were not sufficiently revolutionary, so that
these people could be ``re-educated.''
When the Frankfurt School expanded its research after World War II at the behest of the American Jewish Committee and the Rockefeller Foundation, its purpose was not to identify anti-Semitism; that was merely a cover story.Its goal was to measure adherence to the core beliefs of Western Judeo-Christian civilization, so that these beliefs could be characterized as ``authoritarian,'' and discredited.For the Frankfurt School conspirators,the worst crime was the beliefthat each individual was gifted with sovereign reason,which could enable him to determinewhat is right and wrongfor the whole society;thus, to tell people that you have a reasonable ideato which they should conform,is authoritarian, paternalistic extremism.
By these standards, the
judges of Socrates and Jesus were correct in condemning these two individuals (as,
for example, I.F. Stone asserts in one case in his Trial of Socrates).
It is the measure of our own cultural collapse, that this definition of authoritarianism is acceptable to most citizens, and is freely used by political operations like the Anti-Defamation League and the Cult Awareness Network to ``demonize'' their political enemies.
When Lyndon LaRouche and
six of his colleagues faced trial on trumped-up charges in 1988, LaRouche
identified that the prosecution would rely on the Frankfurt School's authoritarian
personality fraud, to claim that the defendants' intentions were inherently
During the trial,
LaRouche's defense attorney attempted to demonstrate the Frankfurt School roots
of the prosecution's conspiracy theory, but he was overruled by Judge Albert
Bryan, Jr., who said, ``I'm not going back into the early 1930s in opening
statements or in the testimony of witnesses.''
To be illustrated with a
pix of a TV anchorman at his desk
The most important thing
to understand about ``the authoritarian personality,'' is that it is a
sociological construct: it is not based on actions, but on predilections, on
the measurement of alleged attitudes which are politically interpreted to mean
whatever you want. It is ``thought crime,'' in the sense that George Orwell
used that term in his 1984.
Try the following mental
experiment: There is a crowded opening of a new exhibit at a famous art
gallery; a man walks in, and from his overcoat, he pulls a revolver, and fires
three shots in the air.What is the nature of this bewildering act?
If the man is Tristan Tzara, then the act is a work of art.If the man is Spike Jones, then the act is a joke.If the man is a Palestinian, then the act is terrorism.If the man is Lyndon LaRouche, then the act is political extremism.
Most people today, need
go no further than the knowledge of the name. They are sufficiently retarded in
their reasoning by the mass media that they have returned to Walter Benjamin's
Aristotelian Eden: the name tells them all they need to know.
We begin to see the power
of the Frankfurt School's techniques of ``re-naming,'' and repetition.
We also begin to see why,
when Lyndon LaRouche became an unignorable political phenomenon after the 1986
elections, there had to be such an obsessive repetition of the phrase
``political extremist,'' in connection with his name.
Hi George,
ReplyDeleteI loved this post and would like to read your others on the Frankfurt School and political correctness, but the search widget in the sidebar doesn't seem to be working.