
Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Culture and Tourism minister promotes Greek profile

The Culture and Tourism Minister is continuing her efforts to strengthen Greece's profile abroad. (file photo)

The Culture and Tourism Minister is continuing her efforts to strengthen Greece's profile abroad. (file photo)
Caretaker Culture and Tourism Minister Tatiana Karapanagioti gave interviews to several international mass media outlets (Huffington Post, The New York Times, France 2, Sveriges Radio) this week to promote the country's positive image abroad, and to re-approach "traditional markets" of tourist arrivals.
She also spoke with representatives of the ethnic Greek communities in Canada and South Africa via video calls, while another such contact is scheduled with the Greek community in Australia at the end of the week.
The reversal of whatever negative developments in the tourism sector is a top priority for the minister, who focused on the dispersal of fears and concerns expressed by foreign tourists wishing to visit Greece but are kept away by economic and political developments.
In a commentary published in the Huffington Post under the headline “The Greece I know”, signed by the caretaker minister, it is stressed that the birthplace of democracy remains “secure and calm” despite the crucial upcoming elections.
"The gloom-and-doom myths are what dominate the international commentary about Greece today. However, those who choose to dig a bit deeper will find an innovative, re-energized tourism sector, offering noticeably higher quality services at far more competitive prices. And of course, visitors will find the same jaw-dropping scenery, sumptuous cuisine, cultural treasures and vibrant nightlife that have always set Greece apart from the rest".
Karapanagioti will also give interviews to the Italian La Stampa, the Spanish El Mundo and China’s CCTV channel. (AMNA)

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