
Thursday 14 June 2012

Billionaire Panagiotis Aggelopoulos Backs Leftish SYRIZA Leader Tsipras

The son of Theodoros and Gianna Aggelopoulos, best known for being the president of the bidding and organizing committee for the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, has published an article on supporting SYRIZA and its leader Alexis Tsipras. Last year, Indignant Greeks were surprised to see a billionaire in their midst screaming that they could not go on any more with austerity.  Now, once again the Greek media find his ideological manifesto on a leftist website and cannot but criticize it.
His article entitled “Dilemmas of the Euro and the Crisis of the Eurozone:  Answers and New Challenges from Recent History of the European Left” summarizes the history of the international economy from the late 1960s up until now based largely on the writings of SYRIZA members, such as Giannis Milios and Euclid Tsakalotos. Panagiotis Aggelopoulos has called on a new deal for Europe.

He expresses the view that “neoliberalism, apart from being a utopia-dogma, presents a revolutionary political project for the establishment of smoother conditions in regard to capital accumulation and restoration of the strength of the economic elites.”
He notes that the “role of the European Central Bank must be radically revised, and moreover that European banks be put into public, transparent control and start functioning in the public interest.”
Panagiotis Aggelopoulos underlines that “defending the collective consumption goods, establishing a welfare state, eco-transforming the economy, regulating and taxing the stock markets, redistributing the incomes and the authority from the capital to the employment and cancelling the laws which turn a dissent life from right to privilege are demanded  on a Pan-European level.” He furthermore expressed the view that with the exception of the Memorandum, the whole European framework must be revised, referring to the founding Treaties. He noted that “growth” based on downgrading the common prosperity along with privatizations and “special Free Trade Areas” are less important than the people’s well-being.
He concluded by saying that the actual dilemma of the coming election is not “Euro or Drachma,” but on the contrary “neoliberal austerity and wretchedness” or “social coherence, justice and dignity”.

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