
Wednesday, 4 January 2012

“Pirate Party” Anchors in Greece

“Pirate Party” Anchors in Greece

With the ambition to become ‘the new operating system in our society” the Pirate Party casts anchor in Greece and is expected to be formally established as  a political party towards end of January. The PP understands itself as the Greek branch of the Swedish Pirate Party (Piratpartei).
The party statute is drafted and proclaims “to translate the principles of direct democracy, transparency and protection of human rights and freedom, both in the digital world and in every other facet of our lives. ” The principles and ideas of the Greek Pirate Party are based on those of the Swedish one and the other PPs established in many European and non-European countries.
The goals of  Pirate Parties internationally are among others to raise awareness of, spread and unify the pirate movement through coordination, information-sharing, and assisting in the foundation of new pirate parties. The party strives to reform laws regarding copyright and patents. The agenda also includes support for a strengthening of the right to privacy, both on the Internet and res extensa (physical life), and the transparency of state administration.
Other goals are :
- Protection of privacy and individual rights by state and corporate operations.
- Reform of copyright laws, by reducing the time protection and free use of digital copies for private, non-commercial use.
- Changes in European patent legislation leading to expensive drugs, human loss and unjust exploitation.
There have been 56 pirate parties established across the world, 21 of them are officially recognized. There are two deputies sitting at the European Parliament, 15 sitting in national parliaments and 194 in municipalities across Europe. The elected members are in the average young people under 30 years old. In recent local elections in Berlin, Germany, the Pirate Party won 9% of the votes.
The website adress of the Greek Pirate Party website is , and it contains also a discussion forum

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