The World Health Organization made the AIDS virus, then put it in a vaccine
By the 1970s, it was
becoming increasingly clear that the population of the Europe and White America
was rapidly declining, unless something was done the expanding size of the
population of the Third World nations, would become a serious threat to the
National Security of the Masonically controlled countries.
Western consumer power
and productivity would reduce and as a result they would be completely
dependent on the 3rd world population. Some how the gap between the Western
population and the Third World population had to be a bridge to restore the
Western supremacy or more precisely Masonic supremacy at a global scale.
In the 1970s, American
President Jimmy Carter commissioned the Global 2000 report.
The findings of the report blamed virtually all of the world problems on the population growth of non-white people. The report went on as far recommending the elimination of at least two billion people in the Third World Nations of the face of the earth by the year 2000, in order to restore western supremacy.
Interestingly enough also
in the 70s the AIDS epidemic broke out claiming huge amounts of life in the
Third World Nations as well as amongst the growing Black and Espanic population
of America. It was said that the virus originated from green monkeys of the
Africa and was later on passed on the local population through either act of
sexuality or consuming them as food. From there on AIDS spread like wild fire
in the Africa continent, later on to the rest of the world claiming millions of
However the story was just a smoke screen.
On June the 2nd, 1988 the
Los Angeles Times published an article
refuting the idea that the Human AIDS virus originated from the Green Monkeys.
It uncovered evidence
that the DNA composition of AIDS was totally inconsistent with that of green
monkeys. In fact it could be proved that the AIDS virus could not be found
anywhere in the nature and could only and ever survived in a human biological system.
If the virus didn't exist
anywhere in nature then the question is raised that where exactly the virus all
of a sudden stand from?
"The world has cancer, and the cancer is man."
~ A. Gregg, Mankind at
the Turning Point.
On July 4, 1984, The New
Delhi Newspaper in the India called The Patriot published an article making the
first ever-detailed charges of the AIDS being an "encounter biological
warfare agent."
An anonymous American
anthropologist was approached, which claimed that the AIDS is genetically
engineered at the US Army's biological warfare laboratories at Fort Detrick
near Fredrick, Merlin.
Then on October 30, 1985,
the Soviet Journal "Lituratania Gazetta", repeated the charges made
by the Indian newspaper declaring it an International conspiracy.
Always however was easily
passed as a communist media attack by the Masonic West, however on the October
the 26th 1986, The Sunday Express became the first Western newspaper to run a
front page story confirming the findings of the Indian and Soviet newspapers
entitled: "AIDS may be a Lab Shot".
In this article
distinguished physicians Dr. John Seal and Prof. Jacob Seagal, the retired
Director of the Institute of Biology at Berlin University. Both concluded that
the AIDS virus was man-made. The up break of AIDS has been linked to vaccine
programs around the world.
" radical environmentalists,
can see AIDS not as a problem,
as a necessary solution."
~ Miss Ann Thropy
(pseudonym), Earth First! Journal.
The Internationally
respected London Times newspaper published an article of the front-page story
on the May 11th 1987 entitled:" Small Pox Vaccine triggered AIDS".
The article established a direct correlation between the small pox vaccine
administered by the World Health Organization (WHO) to an estimated 50 to 70
million people in different Central African countries and the subsequent
outbreak of AIDS in those regions.
"I suspect that eradicating small pox was
played an important part in balancing ecosystems." ~
John Davis, editor of
Earth First! Journal.
The WHO is the medical
wing of the United Nations. The evidence that AIDS is a genetically engineered
virus spread through vaccination programs in the 3rd world counties germ
warfare against the innocent and the weak, ended eliminating an entire populous
off the face of the earth.
AIDS is nothing but the
modern day final solution and all of this for the purpose of installing an
economic policy, that would give complete global domination to the Masonic
"f I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels." ~ Prince Phillip, World Wildlife Fund."The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing... This is not to say that the rise of human civilization is insignificant, but there is no way of showing that it will be much help to the world in the long run." ~ Economist editorial."Cannibalism is a radical but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation." ~ Lyall Watson, The Financial Times, 15 July 1995.
However, for the Free
Masonic economic domination on its own is not enough. In order to have a
Masonic Government at the Head of Global
Union under complete economic Union may suffix; but to keep it there it would
need a Military Union and that Union would be none other than THE UNITED NATIONS.
For further information
please read the following articles:
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